Chapter 5 - Starting To Fall Apart

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3rd POV
"Oh, you're awake?" Martial says as he realized his sister was awake. Martial brings out a table that's connected to the bed she was laying in. Phil sat up as Martial puts a bowl of champorado (I think that's how you spell idk how to spell dat even tho I'm a pilpina) on the table. "Don't worry, I cooked it." Martial assured her as he gives her a spoon. "You were knocked out for a couple of days, are you ok?" Martial asked Phil, a bit of worry in his voice. Phil nods, and that's all she did before she grabbed the spoon and started to eat.

Suddenly, someone rushed in. Someone that Phil or Martial did not want in the room right then. "Get out... she's eating." Martial growled at the country that rushed in, America. "Oh my god, you're ok! I'm sorry Phil, I'm really, really, reall—" America started to apologize before Phil interrupted him. "Get out." Phil said in the same calm voice with anger that she used when talking to Martial in the cafe.

America didn't listen. He stood there, waiting for another response. "I'm not going to repeat myself after saying it again, Ame. Get out." Phil warned America. The doctor came in, and explained everything to America. America stood there, kind of in shock. "Next thing you'll do is suicide before I know it..." Martial muttered. Phil didn't hear what Martial said, so she just shrugged it off. "I'm not leaving, Phil." America insisted.

A few minutes later, Martial signed the release papers for Phil.

When they got to the house...
Phil's POV
I immediately went to my room. I didn't wanna see anyone, not now. I laid in silence, until I heard a voice.

"It's your fault America and you don't get along with eachother..."

"It's your fault he's broken..."

I started to fight with these voices.

"It's not my fault! He was the one that asked the question, but it's also not his fault!"

"Then who's fault is it? And don't point at someone else. It won't help."

"What, and you will? Hindi ko paniwala sino ikaw. (I don't know who you are.)"

"I'm your worst fears... just close your eyes..."

I closed my eyes, and as I did, I saw my nightmares repeat again. Spanish Empire killing my mother, my father being killed by America... everything horrible...! I started to cry... but I still fought with the voices.


"But all of this happened... and you witnessed it all!"

"But the one that YOU caused was all YOUR fault."

"NO IT WASN'T, NO IT WASN'T!" I yelled, and I heard someone come in the room. "Sis, are you ok?" Martial asked. "I'm fine, just a nightmare..." I lied.

"Dirty liar..."

(Hi! It's 1:10am when I finished this! I'm sleepy, so... word count 478)

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