Chapter 3 - Crossings

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3rd POV
A few days after Martial Law found Phil cutting herself, she didn't want to go out of the house at all. Martial forced her to come to buy groceries with him at Manila Oriental then go to a cafe to get coffee. Phil put on her clothes, and went with Martial.

Unlike Phil, America was going out a lot more, and he enjoyed it. He was going to go to a cafe with his brother, Canada, and get coffee.

Martial and Phil went to buy the normal stuff, like eggs, rice, and vegetables, then they both got a candy bar, because why not? Phil was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, she didn't really feel like wearing a jacket. Martial was wearing a jacket, a white shirt, and jeans. He usually wore things like that outside. Both of them had bandanas tied onto their right arm, the bright red bandana had "KKK" in white print. KKK was Martial's and Phil's dad, who died during the KKK Revolution. KKK was only what other people would call him, but his real name was Katipunan. Once they checked out at Manila Oriental, they started walking to the cafe.

"C'mon bro, lets go get coffee!" America urged Canada. "Coming, coming!" Canada raced down the stairs while putting on his jacket. They went outside, locked the door, and walked to the cafe.

When Martial and Phil got to the cafe, a person right before them that came from the same sidewalk, but they walked where Martial and Phil was facing. One of them opened the door for them, because he was in a good mood. "Thank you." Martial thanked the man. "Salamat..." Phil muttered to the man. Phil glared at the man and saw who it was.

The man also recognized her. "Oh, hi Phi—" the man, America, started to say, but Phil just ignored him. America saw the bandages on her wrists, and how blood was bleeding through. "Strange... why is there bandages on her wrists?" America wondered.

Martial and Phil ordered the same thing, an espresso. Like how Martial always said, "Drink an espresso to forget your depresso!". When they got it, they sat down at a table. "Damnit, they're bleeding again? Give me your wrists..." Martial told Phil.

While Canada and America were waiting for their order, America listened in and watched Martial and Phil. Martial unwrapped the bandages to reveal cuts that were straight, so it meant it was done on purpose. "Why'd you even have to cut yourself...?" Martial asked Phil, hoping no one would hear. America heard and was shocked. He thought Phil would never hurt herself or anything, only if there was a war! He stopped listening, deeply damaged inside by the secret that he had listened into without permission.

Martial wrapped new bandages on her wrists, and they continued to drink their coffee. Once America and Canada got their coffee, America told Canada that he was going to talk to someone there.

why did you cut your wrists...?"

(HAHAHA I'm evil, A CLIFFHANGER! I'm sorry... word count 514)

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