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It's been a few days since I've been to the clubhouse. It snowed and I've been busy trying to do things around the house for my mom. But today she left early this morning and I made it a priority to make it to the clubhouse.
I grabbed my jacket and then a CarHart and put on my hat and gloves. It's been really cold and I know the walk there would be vicious. I grab a duffle bag and pack it up with some essentials. I've been debating on staying the night at the clubhouse since I built it but I didn't have anything to sleep on and the woods are kind of spooky at night.
But now I have a small Loveseat I could sleep on. And that portable heater.
I grabbed a couple blankets and comforter to prepare myself for the cold. You never never be too prepared. I grabbed a pair of thick and fluffy pajama pants, thermals, a couple pairs of Sox's and a sweatshirt to sleep in.
I also packed matches and fluid for my lamp and flashlight and batteries. I should really try to find a small generator. If I like staying there tonight I might like staying there more. My mother's gone half the time anyways.
I know , I know. A 12 year old girl staying in her clubhouse in the middle of the woods by herself. I might as well be 12 going on 22. Anyways I turn 13 soon. I've been taking care of myself since my dad got locked up.
Lastly I pull on my boots and raid the kitchen for snacks and drinks. I grab a couple of water bottles and stuff them in my bad. Rummaging through the cupboards I find a pop tart, bag of stale chips, and went to the fridge and grabbed left over pizza.
I start my long walk to the clubhouse. I'm pretty bundled up so the cold isn't bothering me that bad. It's not as cold as it usually is but you never know. Plus I can keep some of this stuff here. After a while I finally make it to the clubhouse. The window was open again. I walk in and the heater is also on. This is weird. It happened again. I look around and everything is still untouched.
I put the duffle bag down and started pulling out the blankets. I paid one across the loveseat and sat the other blankets down. I put the food on a table by the chair and got my book out to start reading.
After what felt like a few hours I finally finished my book. I was a little hungry so I ate some of my pizza. I figured while I still have a couple hours of day light I can start doing things around the clubhouse.
A couple weeks ago I had brought a few cans of paint cause I figured the place could be a little spiced up. The only problem is the only paint brushes I could find were those big brushes. This was going to take me a while.
I cracked open the can of blue paint and started to paint one of the walls. I had a bucket of black paint too so I figured I could rotate walls. So that's what I did.
I got 2 of the walls finished by the time is started to get dark. I could keep going if I lit my lamp and wanted to but my hand was cramping up. I lit my lamp and got on my phone. That's when I got a message on Facebook.
It was from Carter.
*Hey I know this is probably weird but you're the only person who's ever talked to me at school*
I messaged back.
*its okay lol you're pretty cool*
*thanks. Uh wyd?*
* Nothing much. Just got done painting. Wyd?*
*On a walk. Not sure where too. Just needed fresh air*
*well be safe. The weirdos come out after dark*
*Lol I am a weirdo*
I was kind of taken back by that. I wasn't really sure how to take it. I just ignored the message and looked at the time. Wow. It was already passed 9. Where did the day go.
I pulled out my fuzzy pants and thermals quickly changing. I pulled on my sweatshirt and threw on a hoodie. I left my boots on when I climbed on the couch and pulled another blanket over me.
All of this mixed with the heater makes it a perfect temperature. I snuggle up and decide to just watch some YouTube until I fell asleep. I decided on a video by Shane Dawson and Trisha Paytas. Soon after that I quickly dozed off.
I was in a deep sleep when a loud crash suddenly woke me. I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything. The flame on my lamp probably blew out. In the shadows I see and dark figure start to rise.
"Is this hell" I thought to myself. My thoughts interrupted.
"Stella?" A confused male voice spoke.

"Who's there" I squeaked

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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