Winter break

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So it's been a few months since school started. And by few months I mean it's now December and we started school in August.
Today is our last day before winter break and I can not express how much I'm dreading it. This means 2 weeks alone with my mother.
I'm glad I have the clubhouse at least. I found this space heater in the neighborhood dumpster and took it there a couple weeks ago when it started to get super super cold.
I think it's broken though because I know I will shut it off when I leave there and when I come back it will be turned on. What can I expect though. I literally got it from the trash.
The final bell for school rang and the hallways started filling up. It's seems a bit louder than usual but then again it is the last day of school for our break.
I start heading towards the front of the school when I notice the noise keeps getting louder and there's a crowd forming in front of the doors. Great another fight.
I push my way through the people , not really caring who's fighting. I just didn't want to miss my bus. The walk home drags when it's below freezing out.
I'm almost to the door when I hear someone yell a familiar name.
"Carter Jones!" Yelled our principle , Ms. Burlow.
I snapped my head over to see a very vicious looking Carter. He was standing over Football captain James Fisher. I look down at James and he is knocked completely out on the ground. Blood staining the front of his jersey. I look up and see Carter looking and me and I quickly walked through the doors. I'm not sure what that was but he looked terrifying.
I rush down the sidewalk , barely making it to my bus when I heard someone call my name.
I turn around and see a very Exhausted Carter.
"Hi Carter. That was quite the fight" I said to him.
"He kept talking shit. But I seen the way you looked and me and you looked scared and I just wanted to let you know I'm not usually like that. He just hit a nerve with my dad and I couldn't help myself. But I don't think it will happen again. I just got suspended for the week after we're supposed to come back from break. So it looks like I have 3 weeks off instead." he explained.
"I just wasn't expecting you to be a fighter. Especially with the Captain" I said.
"Yeah it's a long story. My bad. But do you mind if I ride home with you on the bus today? My ride can't pick me up" he looked at me with a sympathetic smile.
"Of course" I smiled back.
We climbed on the bus and I handed him the left side of my head phones. We sat in silence the whole way home. Except his occasional tapping of the foot when he enjoyed the beat of the song. He didn't even seem bothered by the earlier events.
I know my mother would have whooped me. And I would have been grounded. I wouldn't have even put myself in a situation where I would miss school and be disciplined.
We pull up to my stop shortly after a Kevin Gates song. I'm assuming he's a big fan because he wrapped the whole song so loud I couldn't even tell Gates was singing.
I pull my headphones and phone in my pocket and turn to Carter
"Well thank you for riding with me , I live just right up this street" I said to him.
"Well I didn't really have a choice did I" he laughed to me.
I laughed back and waved to him as I walked up the street. And just before I went into my house I looked down and see him still standing there. He starts walking to the path that goes behind the neighborhood.
Maybe he just needs to cool off some more I thought to myself.
I walk inside, not seeing my mother anywhere. At least she's not home. Who knows when she will be back. I sat at the table and pulled out my homework. Just because it's break time doesn't mean I should push back my work. Plus I'm too cold to walk to the clubhouse today anyways.

I really hope y'all are enjoying this so far! I haven't wrote in a minutes so bare with me 💙

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