| how you get the girl | part one|

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Fitzroy Avery Vacker had had a lot of practice on how to get the girl

It was really quite simple. Smile at her across the room, and wink at her while she blushes. Go up to her after class, start up conversation. You'll be able to throw in a few flirty lines, and it'll be easy to get them to go do something with you after a couple conversations. Then, ask her out after a couple more meetups. He'd tried this on multiple girls, it worked quite well.

Call him a jerk, a heartbreaker, anything. It still undeniably worked. 

Now, Sophie Foster was a whole different story.

He couldn't get her to respond to any of his flirty comments, winks, or smiles. He would wink across the room, and she'd roll her eyes and look down at her desk. He would talk to her, and she would answer with short, snappy replies. 

He simply assumed she had a boyfriend. When you have a boyfriend, you've probably trained yourself not to respond to stuff like that. 

Then he talked to his buddy, Keefe Sencen, about her. They were similar in one thing - they both knew how to get girls. (a/n oooffff ngl i feel so cringy writing that ahhh) 

"She's single, I'm thinking about making a move." Keefe commented one day at lunch. 

"Single?" Fitz asked, surprised. "She doesn't flirt back, and I feel like she's incapable of blushing."

"Really? Lost cause, then, she probably has heard our reputations." Keefe joked, stuffing food into his mouth. 

"Mhmm." Fitz said, not processing what Keefe said. Sophie was hard to get? Yep. He accepted her challenge. 


"Hey Sophie." He said, coming up to her the next day. "What's up?" 

"Going to the library." She said crisply, not looking at him. "What about you?" 

"Talking to you, of course." He said, grinning. 

"I'd rather you not." She sighed, grabbing her book and turning around, but Fitz ran to catch up with her.

"Come on, Soph." He said, pulling a book out of his backpack. "We can go together." 

She rolled her eyes and slowed down to walk next to him. "Fine. What book are you reading?" She asked abruptly, pointing at his book.

"Oh, Percy Jackson." He said casually as her eyes widened. "I imagine myself as Percy, you know?" 

She giggled, which caused a smile to break out on his face. Yes. Step one completed.  


He went up to her at the library the next day, and she grinned upon his arrival. "Hey." 

"Hey. Whatcha reading?"

She held up the cover so he could see. "Stargirl. The movie came out, so I thought I'd read it before watching it." 

He smirked. "Isn't it a romance novel?" 

"Yeah, but it's cute." She said, blushing. Blushing. Step one double completed. 

"I'm sure. You wanna come with me to Sheetz and get some food?" He said, holding up some dollar bills. "We could always come back and read again." 

She bit her lip, looking hesitant. "I don't know. . ." She mumbled, looking down at her book. 

"It'll be fun, and and you can rant to me about the Percy Jackson movies again. Which we should watch together sometimes, it'll be fun torture." He said, waving the dollar bills around. 

She grinned. "I told you, they're the Peter Johnson movies. Come on, let's go." She jumped up and grabbed his hand, dragging him out the library doors. 

Step Two completed.

Oh, and did he mention he was starting to fall for her? 


short, cheesy, and perfect ! can't wait to write part 2 ! 

and tysm for 1k reads ! you guys are so awesome <33 love u guys !! 

gonna be updating the name and cover, so keep a lookout for that ! see you guys <3 

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