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Hey guys new story let's get to it
Btw some of the people in the for example Logan is from Total eclipse or Chicken girls
"Why are we kidnapping this bitch again" Carson asked in confusion "because she's dating. Ashton, and we want revenge" Johnny said rolling his eyes "yeah but don't u think he's taught her a lot, she does look like a badass" Jayden said to Johnny "idc how fucking Much it takes, we're gonna kidnap her, who tf is she to us? Nobody." He said as he motioned them "let's go to school"
As they walked him they notice Kenzie in the middle of hallway with her friend Dylan.

Kenz **
I turn around to see the Snakes walk in and see The leader smirk.. he's up to something but I just look him up and down and roll my eyes.
"Isn't he— "Dylan we have to go.. he's up to something" I told her "nobody's scared of those stupid ass little kids" Dylan said as she rolled her, we try to walk away then The Whole Squad stopped us in are tracks. "Move." I said with frustration, "make me" Johnny said then everyone looked at us" . I then shove him and look him up and down

"I said move"

Dylan POV**
Kenzie was never that angry or Tough something got to her, but we all knew when he starts screaming it's all over with
They all looked at Johnny and he stepped/jumped at me which made me move backwards "I thought so, keep your damn hands to yourself and come with us" he said to me trying to be calm. He then grabbed my arm and someone grabbed Dylan but I yank my hand away and Dylan yanks her and I push down the guy that was grabbing her and start punching the day lights out of him

Then I felt someone's strong arms yank me off and hold me down. It was Johnny. He was so strong. I then shoved him off of me. "Shit" Sebastian said while his nose started bleeding "Kenzie!" Dylan yelled "Dylan let's go" I said as I tried to walk off with her but Johnny steps in front of us.

"Get them and bring them to the car Hayden and Carson" he commanded them one grabbed me and the other grabbed Dylan and Forced us to an car and pushed us in, we were separated she was with someone and I was with johnny. "Let us go or I'm telling Asher" I yelled at me. He then turned to look at me and started balling up his fist."maybe If you'd not yell at him he wouldn't wanna hurt you" the boy I heated up said "shut up dog" I said to him "watch your mouth" Johnny said to me "no" I replied "I said watch your damn mouth, and I'm not gonna say the shit again" he said shouting at me with anger

I got scared. He looked like he would hurt me, I was so scared I just wanted Asher! "I don't want to be with you guys." Dylan said "oh now you talk" Hayden said "shut tf— "Hayden don't push her she seems not as dangerous as Kenzie but she could be" Sebastian warned her "how do you know my name". I asked him "we know everything, even stuff you don't know" Johnny responds as they start getting out the car "get out" Johnny told me "no" I said not moving "MACKENZIE FRANCES ZIEGLER GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE GODDAM CAR" he screamed at me.

I didn't move so he gripped on my arm and pulled me out then dragged me into the house as I tried to move his hand off of me. "Guys stay here and put Dylan downstairs. "But what about Ken-"DO AS I FUCKING OBEY" Johnny screamed At them as a they all jumped. I got so scared I jumped and rapped my hands around his waist holding tight they all went down and he just stood there and didn't say anything

"What's wrong" he asked "y-you scared me" I explained. "Can you let go now" he asked/told me I then let go and he dragged me to a room "where are we" I asked him "my room" he told me. He pushed me on the bed making me sit down "listen to me, if you do one more thing that i don't like it you disobey my orders I won't hesitate to kill, especially anyone who's with Ashton." He told me I tried to annoy him, since he bender down to my level I grabbed him face and pulled him closer as he tried to move my hands.

"What are you doing" he said with frustration "do something about it since you'll "kill me" if I disobey" I told her with a smirk he tried to grab me by my neck but then I put on legs on his waist and pulled him down which made him fall on top of me in a push up position. We had almost kissed. He then jumped up "that's what you get for playing so much" he said as he grabbed my arm "wait where we going" I asked "you and Dylan are staying the dungeons" he told me calmly.

I didn't wanna sleep in a fucking dungeon. I stopped him and tried not to follow he turned around and pulled me to his face "didn't I say obey my orders or I'll kill you slut" he told me with an annoyed expression "I don't wanna sleep in a dungeon nor does Dylan" I said as I looked him in his eyes
"O well" he told me

"Pleas at least let us sleep in bedrooms" I begged him. "Fine your gonna stay in the bedroom that's in
My bedroom and Dylan will stay with Sebastian" I told her rolling my eyes then we went down stairs and told the other

Seb —
I dragged Dylan in the room and pinned her to the wall "I have a boyfriend" she said to me "one you won't see ever again" he said to her. She tried pushing him but he wouldn't budge then out of the blue he started kissing her. "S-stop—
John —
Johnny was about to leave "wait John" I said to him "don't Call me that. Only my friends call me join" he said "can me and Dylan come please" I begged him. "No" he said to me with a deep voice. "Please after that I won't ask for anything else" I kept begging "FINE, okay but this is the last time" he told me with anger. As I smiled and walked out. "Bring Dylan with you Sebastian" he said as he knocked on the door and when they came out they looked shocked like something happened "what happened" I asked her "n-nothing, he kept screaming at me" she told me as I grabbed her hand

"Where are we going now" she asked "with the others I whispered "why? Didn't they say we stayed locked in the rooms" she whispered back "yeah but I told him to let us go with them" I whispered back with a smirk "how—"honestly idk" I told her as I cut her off as they sat down and we sat down next to them. "What are they doing here" Lexi said annoyed "Kenzie Convinced me to let them go" he said as he sat there "you must be fucking Kenzie" Carson said with a smirk "what the fuck do I look like fucking Johnny" i said as she rolled her eyes "I wouldn't fuck you neither" he said with a fake smile. "So what's the deal" Lexi asked "what do you mean" Johnny said confused

"Why did you let her convince you, every time we try to convince you into something you'd always say no or yelled at us" she explained "idk" Johnny said. "Are we going to let them go" Hayden asked "not until they give us what we want" Johnny said "why would we say anything about are boyfriends" I said confused "yeah I wouldn't back out on Logan" Dylan said as she rolled her eyes "well your going to or your not leaving" Sebastian said with anger

I could see anger boiling inside him, something happened in that room.. I just know it

"Woah, where did that come from" Lexi asked Sebastian. Sebastian just sat their with no expression on his face as everyone waited for an answer "nothing" he replied trying not to look at Dylan as she tried to look at him.

"So why won't you look at Dylan" I asked him. "Why do I automatically have to look at..her" he said as if he could care less, you could tell he cared "you only do that win you care about someone does that mean you — "no I don't care for Her one but I just don't have to look at any of you" he said cutting off Johnny. He then got up and walked up to his room

"We all agree something happened in that room" I said as everyone except Dylan nodded instead she was stuck in her daydream "DYLAN" Johnny screamed which made us all jump and then he smirked as we rolled are eyes "Bro wtf" I said to him I was about to hit him but then he grabbed my wrist. "Don't do it, we wouldn't like to see that pretty face get hurt" he said to me with a fake smile as I yanked my arm away seeing a red mark I tried to hide.

"Spill, what happened in that room" Lauren said to Dylan "nothing" she said trying not to look us in are eye "Dylan— "okay something did happen but can we not talk about it.." she said as her eyes got watery. We then sat in silence.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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