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Chapter 5:

2 weeks later:

Mardiyyah's POV:

'Mardiyyah! Come down now! We're going to be late,' Abbi yelled from the bottom of the stairs. 

We had sat down the day after foi had told me about my parents, and had a long chat. My grandparents were also there, and together, they had explained everything. I had forgiven them all, but I was still a little bit angry. I now covered up in front of him; everything, scarf, niqaab, gloves. He wasn't a mahram after all, no matter what I'd grown up thinking.

I felt a slight pain in my tummy and rested my hands over it. Dihya and I had gone for the scan to Dr.Tahmid, and Alhamdulillah we were expecting twins.

'I'm coming down now! Two minutes!' I yelled from my room as I picked up my niqaab.

I heard him sigh. He told foi to hurry up and then shouted that he was would be waiting in the car for us.

In three days was Maryam's nikaah. That night was a supper for the family, the next night the mendhi, on Thursday a khatam and on Friday the nikaah. I stayed over at my mother-in-law's house, with my overly excited sister-in-law and a few of my cousin-in-laws, until the wedding.

The sound of Muhammad Al Muqit's Ya Arda Khayr brought me out of my musings and I immediately answered, without checking the caller ID.

'Assalaamu Alaykum?' I greeted.

'Wa Alaykum Salaam!' came Maryam's excited, but impatient voice.

'Where are you 'Diya?' she yelled over the cacophony in the room she was in. 

I heard my mother-in-law laughing heartily, along with a few other ladies. There were babies crying in the background, and toddlers yelped out in excitement as Faheem entertained them. I shook my head and grinned at my brother-in-laws childish antics.

'On my way. Has mummy invited the entire UK over?' I asked her laughing.

'Hold on 'Diya. I can't hear you properly,' she yelled into the phone.

A few moments later I heard a door close, and even though a lot of noise could still be heard, it was more of a distant sound now.

'Ok, much better. Now, 'Diya! Get here now! I need you here fa—- FAHEEM!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU RETARDED COW! THAT'S MY-UGGHHHH... NEVERMIND! JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM! 'Diya, I'm sorry! I have to go! My brothers are carrying on like two year olds. Just get here fast! Assalaamu Alaykum!' she said hurriedly before hanging up.

I hardly had time to fit in my reply. I chuckled and tied my niqaab quickly, eager to see Maryam.

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