I hope I made the right decision

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"1... 2... 3...

10... 11... 12...

16... 17... 18!!!"

Those are the last words I hear before I blow out my candles. Everyone takes a sip of their drinks and cheers to me. I know I sound crazy but I have this deep feeling like this birthday is different from the rest. 18 means more responsibility, college, etc. Am I ready for all of that?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as someone slaps my back. "What the fuck.." I say and turn to see who hit me so hard. My anger fades as when I see her. Melanie, my soul reader. "Happy Birthday!" she says with a giggle. "Thanks" I reply with a small smile. "Your face is telling me something different than your soul" she prise. "I'm fine, something just feels off. I barely even know anyone at this party" 

She takes a sip of her drink then sets it down on the counter. "Let's go home" 

When we get to my car some random guy calls out to me, "Happy Birthday!" I chuckle and open the door of the driver seat, but Melanie is already there. I roll my eyes and get in the passenger seat. 

We drive in silence as the radio plays in the background. It's only 12:12 but I really didn't want to be at that party. When we get in our driveway Melanie grabs my arm before I get out the car. "Wait," she says with a weird look on her face. She's reading me... "I have something to tell you," she says quietly. "What is it? Is it bad?" I ask her, I knew I felt weird for a reason. "No, it's really good actually..." 

"You're gonna meet your soulmate tomorrow," she says with a smile. "My soulmate?" I say with a blank expression. "Why aren't you excited?" she asks me, "Your whole world is going to change... for the better." 

I hope it's for the better... 

"Well thanks for that, now I won't get any sleep tonight," I say trying to lighten the mood. "You know I have to, it's my duty" Melanie defends. "Yeah, I know, "I say letting the conversation trail off. I get out the car and head to my door while she moves towards her family's small house connected to ours. 

"Goodnight Melanie," I say as I unlock my door. "Goodnight" she replied.

The next day

My alarm rings loudly, waking me up. Today I meet my soulmate... I really couldn't sleep after Melanie told me that. What will she be like? Will she be hot? Will she be smart? Funny? I have so many questions and honestly, I can't wait for answers. I will say the timing feels a little off, I wasn't really looking for a girlfriend but I guess my soul knows best or whatever.

Before I leave my mom asks for a kiss on the cheek. "When did you even come home last night?" "I came with Melanie, sometime before 12:30. Don't worry about me mom" I reassured. "My baby is 18," she said while she hugged me. "Okay, go to school," she said shortly with fake disgust. I laugh and yell goodbye to my father who's probably still sleeping.

On my way to school, I have my eyes wide open, looking for my mystery girl. I decide to stop and get some breakfast on my way and as soon as I pull into the parking lot, a girl appears in front of my car. I mash on the break, just a foot away from hitting her. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she screams with a scowl on her face. I lower the window, "I'm sorry... I didn't see you" I explain. I hear her whisper, "fucking moron," under her breath and that's when I start to really see her. 

She's gorgeous. She has a cute face and an attitude to match. She isn't very tall but she's not a dwarf. She's wearing a simple outfit, ripped jeans and a crop top, but somehow she's set apart from all other girls. Maybe she's my soulmate... 

I lower my window again and ask, "What school do you go to?" with a confident smirk. "Everest" she replies cautiously. "Really? I go there."

"Maybe I should transfer," she says bringing the scowl back, but then a sneaky smile appears letting me know it was a joke. "Give me your number then... so when you miss me, you can just call" I flirt. It was a risky play but I have a feeling it'll work on her. She walks to my window and holds her hand out. "Are you gonna give me your phone?" she taunts. "Oh yea yea" I reply a little flustered. After a little while, she hands me the phone back. "I saved it into your phone already," she says and then walks back to her car. I look down at my phone with pride. Aurora Taylor is written with a heart emoji after it. 

"Wait!" she calls to me before I move the car. "What's your name?" she asks me. "Anthony," I say before driving away.  

When I get to school I'm texting Melanie nonstop. I'm searching every classroom and hallway but she's nowhere to be found. Finally, she replies to one of my texts *What happened?* 

*i think i found the girl* I text back. We meet up in front of our lockers. As I tell her about the encounter she has a weird look on her face again, she looks confused. "Is she not the girl?" I ask her with concern. "You know I can't tell you that. This is your destiny." she scolds. "Well I think she's the girl" I reply. "I think I'm going to eat lunch with her today or something." I say but when Melanie hears that she looks away from me. "I knew it. It's not her" I say.

"No, I really don't know..." Melanie says with a hint of regret in her face. "Listen, just keep your options open... I said you'll meet her today, not that it's the first girl you meet," and then she walks away leaving me standing at the lockers alone. 

Now I don't know what to do with this Aurora girl... There's no point in talking to her if she isn't the one, right? I text her something brief so that she'll get the message. *heyyy i hope i didn't give u the wrong idea. u just seemed like a nice person to talk to* I send. She has her read receipts on. She read it but didn't reply.  

I hope I made the right decision.

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