Chapter 48

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Hi peeps,

This story is getting almost to an end. Well, most probably the story will end in chapter 55. Even if it will be more, it won't be over chapter 60 (cross finger... I hope so 😣😣). I know some of you guys were actually getting crazy about why the chapters were so short. 

So, I was thinking... how if started today, I will post 2 chapters per day (morning and evening), but will not post on the weekend. LOL. So, I hope you guys can comment on this chapter and tell me which one you prefer:

1. One chapter per day (Mon to Thur), two chapters on Friday, and one chapter on Sunday.

2. Two chapters per day (Mon to Fri), no chapter on the weekend.



~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

Bull, Saint, Baifern, Spice, and Davi were busy eating in the canteen when Gulf walked lazily towards them with his tray of food on his hand. He took a seat beside Bull and hastily put the tray on the table.

"Gulf...", Saint greeted, "You're late today..."

Gulf sighed and lazily forked his food into his mouth. "I think I would die of exhaustion soon..."

Spice chuckled, "I haven't seen you in a week or so. Where have you been?"

Bull scoffed, "Let alone you, Spice. I don't even see him regularly now..."

"Yeah, where have you been?", Baifern asked curiously.

Being the same Davi, she didn't ask any question as she merely didn't care. She's just being Davi. Everything revolves around her so she doesn't have time to care about other people...

Gulf pointed his fork to Saint, Spice, Bull, and Baifern in turns, "I know, nowhere, shut up, nowhere..."

Saint chuckled, "What's with the face. You looked pale and exhausted."

"I know right!", Gulf grumbled, "If it's not because of M-"

Fuck! He almost slipped. They should not know anything about him and Mew Davis... at least for now. How could he face them, especially his sister, Fern? He couldn't just tell Fern like –hey, sis, I slept with your ex-boyfriend, twice, and it was superb-, could he?

"Excessive exercise...", Gulf cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Ah...", Spice nodded understand, "I heard that the soccer team will have some kind of tournament soon, is it? That's why you guys were practicing so hard lately?"

Gulf nodded fast, "Yeah... that's it..."

Bull scratched his head in confusion, "Yeah, we will have a tournament soon, but the practice was not yester-"

"Shut up and eat your lunch!", Gulf slapped Bull's head irritatedly.

Davi suddenly scoffed, "Why are you guys so boring! Don't you have any better things to talk about?"

Gulf nodded in agreement, "Yeah... Any better things to talk about?"

Spice rolled her eyes to Davi, "Why can't you just enjoy your food, Davi?"

"I know a thing or two...", Baifern suddenly said.

"What is it?", Bull asked curiously.

Spice turned her gaze towards Bull in disbelief, "Gosh, Bull... you gossip too?"

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