Chapter 12

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Tay Tawan was reading on the bed with his black-framed glasses when V rolled his body and stopped right beside him, shifted himself and positioned his head on Tay's chest. Tay was covered in a blanket from waist below meanwhile V was wearing an oversized white t-shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned. He looks sexy in white.

V looked at him for a moment before he pouted. Tay smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Now what?"


"Then why did you sulk?"

"I didn't...", V still pouted.

Tay Tawan Vihokratana, the guy currently besides V, is one of a third-year student slash billionaire in H.I.L.L.S. He's the only successor of Vihokratana empire who leads in hotel businesses. Unlike the Davis, the Vihokratana is far more low-profile and far from the media. They rarely show themselves in public, though I believe everybody heard about their names.

Story to be told, Tay Tawan is a genius kid with IQ above 180, but nobody knows exactly about this fact. At the age of 12, he has started to help his father ran his hotel businesses. Now 10 years later, though he's still a university student, he has successfully managed for over 50 hotels under Vihokratana's name with his cold hand.

Tawan reached his wallet on the nightstand, pulled a black credit-card from inside and handed it to V. V took the card and his finger trailed on a name engraved on it. It was Tay Tawan's name, not his.

"Buy something good..."

V snorted and threw the card away, slamming on the floor. Tay rolled his eyes.

"Now what?"

"They said you're a player..."

Tay Tawan smiled sarcastically. "Let them say..."

"And I need to get clean from you"

"Fuck them!", he casually replied to him, no hard feelings.

"And I-"

Tay shook his head in frustration and pulled V's chin to get closer to him. He kissed him deeply before he let him go. V smirked.

"Now, can you just stay quiet for just a moment? I wanted to read..."

V shook his head and circled his arm on Tay's neck to kiss him back. "I don't want to... and I don't think I can..."

V crawled up and positioned himself on top of Tay's body. Tay chuckled.

"You naughty little bird!"

"Little-bird-is-hungry...", V whispered sexily to Tay's ear. Tay took off his glasses and threw his book on the floor.

"Then I will feed him something good..."

Tay laughed and pulled the blanket up, covering both of their bodies...

~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

Gulf stood in front of the mirror, staring at his body. He has been inside his toilet for almost an hour. This is the only place he could feel safe from the outside world. He could see traces of bruises and hickeys all over his body. And now, Mew added one more when he almost strangled him to death. It was scary. You couldn't believe how strong he is until you tasted it yourself. He was like possessed and Gulf couldn't do anything to stop him.

His mind flew to the incident happened today...

"Listen to me carefully, Gulf Kanawut. I, Mew Davis, will always get what I wanted, no matter what, with no exception to you! I want you and you will be mine no matter what..."

"In... your... dream...", he stammered, lack of oxygen.

"Watch me!"

And with that, Mew Davis roughly kissed him on the mouth, leaving Gulf widened his eyes in shock. He tried to let go of his hand, but Mew Davis' grip getting harder and stronger. Gulf was almost choked to death. It was crazy. It hurts. He almost lost his breath when suddenly someone pulled Mew's body away from him. For a moment, Mew seemed to realize what he had done to him. His hand trembled and with a blink, he walked back and disappeared from behind the door. That guy was Thanit Itthipat or people know him as God, one of Mew Davis' dwarves slash friend.

"Are you okay?"

God asked worriedly while offering his hand to help him. Gulf brushed his hand aside and quietly walked away. God stared at his back without saying anything.

"He's crazy!", Gulf grunted, "He's a psycho!"

Gulf swore at him but there's a hint of confusion and doubt on his voice. Mew Davis has shown him another side that he never ever think about. That guy seems to have a serious problem. Gulf was scared, but also intrigued at the same time. He thought he really hates him and despised him to the bone. But today, he realized, he was also curious about him. It was confusing. On one hand, he hates him. But on the other hand, he wanted to learn more about that psycho.

"Fuck!", he ruffled his hair in frustration. "You're crazy, Gulf Kanawut!"

~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

"Mew Davis!", God chased him. "Stop right there!"

Mew Davis accelerated his pace. God sighed desperately as he ran behind him and stopped him, holding his arm. Mew was furious. God could see lines of anger on Mew's face. His eyes reddened in anger. It was like seeing Mew Davis back then, some years ago, when that incident happened. Without Mew realizing, he turned his back and choke God up, slamming his body to the wall. People were looking but they didn't dare to do anything. They just passed by like nothing happened and walked away, though some of them were brave enough to record the incident.

God was not that weak. He was as strong as Mew Davis. He turned the situation, he pushed Mew down and slammed his back to the wall. Mew winced in pain. He didn't choke him, but he pinned his body to the wall and gave him a punch on his face. Traces of fresh blood appeared from the edge of Mew's lips.

"Wake up!"

God shouted at him and hit the wall beside his head with one hand, it showed a little crack on the paint. Mew struggled to break free for a moment before finally, he gave up. God dragged him out of there and brought him to their base, the place where they always hang out after class, not the canteen but an empty classroom where Mew Davis magically turned it into their lair with tables, sofa, and other things, making it looks like a small apartment but with no bed.

God threw Mew Davis to the sofa in anger. Shawny didn't budge. He kept reading his book casually as nothing happened. Dragon wasn't there yet since he's still in class. Meanwhile V, he rested his head in Shawny's shoulder. Usually, Shawny didn't like anyone to touch him, but V is an exception. He never objected to him. God was rarely angry, but once he's angry, he's very scary, even scarier than Mew Davis. V felt goosebumps all over his body.

Mew didn't do anything. He slumped there like a lost child. V stared at him in pity.

"What did you do, Mew Davis?", V said softly, almost inaudible.

God eyes were reddened in anger. "He became his own nightmare... he became the old Mew Davis..."

V gasped in surprise and Shawny couldn't help it but tilted his chin and stared at Mew Davis. No, the thing he didn't dare to think was finally happening. Shawny knew it once he saw Gulf Kanawut, Mew Davis was screwed. Now Shawny was sure... it was his eyes... Gulf Kanawut's eyes were the same as her, Mew's only true love, and also his nightmare...

~*** +++++++@@+++++++ ***~

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