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Intro Begins

Over the hill overlooking Vale there stands Y/n, holding his helmet on his leg arm as his silver eyes shine. As the scene changes over to in Beacon academy with Ozpin and Glynda talking about something,with Ozpin looking over his screen where a picture of a certain spartan II is shown. Next it shows Y/n wiping out a White Fang base and securing the area and collecting Intel as he walks out the fire behind as he holds on his rifle. Then it shows Y/n and Mary back in Reach going over new experiments and ideas to improve their gear. Lastly it shows him sitting down as he looks down at his dogtag as a screech of a Hawk is heard as the camera looks up to the broken moon.

Intro ends

When Reach manage to fly towards the broken moon where it remained there. While Y/n was sitting in the captains seat while Mary and Redeeming scanned the planet and gathering information, to see if there is sentient life on it. He look at the planet which had a familiar look to earth but it's landmasses where different shapes. As well the broken moon was mysterious as well. By all rights the pieces should've been falling towards the planet if gravity took hold of it.

Meaning that something else was holding it in place. He had the moon scanned to see if there was a clue. Turns out it was surrounded by a unknown energy signature. He had some of the sentinels gather a few samples to investigate further on the mystery. Though his thoughs were interrupted by Mary calling his attention.

Mary: Alright then. Y/n we finish our scans and let me tell you it's hard to believe.

Y/n: Something more than going to a different reality and looking for a planet to settle on.

Mary: Good point. Either way it will take a whole to tell you everything. Though on thing is certain there is life on the planet.

Y/n: Then tell me everything you found out about the planet.

* A history of remnant and the kingdoms later,brought to you by Y/n walking away with a Grimm skull in his hand while the body is the without the head. As the people stare in awe.*

Y/n: Unbelievable. If I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Redeeming: Indeed Reclaimer. Oh this is exciting.

Mary: True, knowing humans and faunus living on this world is hard to believe.

Y/n nodded as he took in everything. The mineral called dust which powers all of their technology. In his opinion they could've done a better name for it. While hearing humans and faunus a race of humans who has one or two animal traits. As well the Grimm that have plagued the planet and threaten both humans and faunus to extinction. His opinion of the kingdoms and Huntsman are not that good.

Maybe it's because of his military background. That having Huntsman be glorified and be like mercenaries could be turn out bad. Like a few people can become them to later leave and do crime or worse terror attack and harm many people. As well their military is non existent in three of the kingdoms except Atlas.

Atlas for a better term in its military structure is well a joke. Seriously they have many flaws that could jeopardize the missions and the soldiers lives. As well they don't have any tactical camouflage armor. Which means that they will stick out in many different environments that are not snow.

Including their own hubris of being the strongest military on the planet. Which in his mind would be taken advantage of. By taking out their military leaders then their troops will be lost. As well their own cyber security is nothing. There are no special programs to stop the hacking of many systems.

Even Mary explained the falls of the CCTs when one is knocked out then all of them are. The terrible news is that they have no backup systems in case there fell. It's a perfect target for anybody wanting to cause chaos and death.

Though what made him, more worry are the outer settlements in the kingdoms. They have not much of support from, their own kingdoms. These settlements are in danger of bandit raids, Grimm attacks and other factors. How many have been lost or how innocent lives were taken by bandits.

In the end there wasn't much he can do for them sadly. But there is something he can do for them. It was a long shot but he knew that this world needed something more than a huntsman, Atlas soldiers etc.

The people of Remnant needed a Spartan.

He will take the battle to all those that threaten humanity and Faunus as well. Many would see it as a impossible task to defend all those settlements. But soon they will see what a true defender is capable of. For it's a Spartans mission to prove the impossible, possible.

He has done it many times over his illustrious career and will continue to do so. He stood up from the captains seat and said.

Y/n: Mary, Redeeming find a suitable location to land Reach.

Mary: Got a plan already big guy.

Y/n: Yes,this world needs us. As you told me about the many threats the people face.

Redeeming: Indeed reclaimer. Though it will be a difficult task to do.

Mary: But life wasn't meant to be easy and I agree with you Y/n. This world needs a you the most of all a Spartan II.

Y/n:*nods* But first before we can do anything we need to set up a base of operations. So we can work on upgrading our gear and possibly Reach if possible.

Mary: I think, I have found the most suitable location Y/n. The mountains here of the Dragon Island can provide us a good place to land the ship. As well I have found a good amount of resources we can use during our stay here.

Y/n: Good, then set us down and make sure we aren't seen by them.

Mary: On it. Though Y/n you know if we are doing it. Then we will be on the radar for certain people. Especially Atlas if they get one good look at you.

Y/n: Let them try. I will not let anything fall into their hands. If they want to get them. Then they will have a tough fight for them. Right now the most important thing is the mission to be their sword and shield. Someone needs to aid those outer settlements.

Mary nodded with a small smile on her face. As they move to their new place that they will build to call home. Soon they will be ready to fight they many threats that roam around remnant and they will all soon fear him. And soon will learn why the convent named him demon.

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