Chapter Seven ✔️

Start from the beginning

"I know." She responded with a wink. As the girls approached the group the laughter and talking stopped, Alice turned around to see the Slytherin team approaching, lead by none other than Malfoy.

Alice stood next to Harry, who was already glaring at his opposition. The entire teams were glaring each other down, actually. Clearly the feud between the two houses was as strong as ever.

"You know, Potter, you're not winning." Malfoy said matter-of-factly, his team mates nodded, agreeing with their leader. Smugness was practically oozing off of him, causing many Gryffindor's to scoff. "May as well give up now."

"Funny you should say that, Malfoy, because who has a history of winning between us?" Harry asked, the Gyffindor team making noises of agreement. It was now Malfoy's turn to scoff.

"Well, Potter, your luck is gonna run out sooner or later." He said smugly. Alice took a moment to have a better look at him. Even though he was acting like an arse, she couldn't deny how good he looked in a Quidditch uniform, green was definitely a good colour on him. His hair was pretty much perfect, even more so than usual, as if that was possible. He was leaning slightly on his broom, defining the muscles at the tops of his arms in a way that had Alice mighty distracted. 

As Malfoy glared at Harry his eyes were cold, almost intimidating, Alice noticed that they weren't like that when it was just the two of them. He never had that horrible sneer on his face when it was just her around, which she definitely preferred to his current attitude.

Malfoy glanced over at Alice, not being able to keep his eyes off her even to glare down his enemy, and not liking how she looked standing next to Potter. A proud feeling arose in his chest to see that she was looking back at him, but his frown only worsened when she looked away again. As much as he didn't understand why it bothered him, Malfoy's only thoughts were she should be next to me.

"Oh, I don't think so, Malfoy." Harry chuckled, though it was devoid of any actual humour, before casually slinging his arm over Alice's shoulder. Malfoy saw this, and it was like he felt his blood boil. Alice could see his jaw clench, his hands made fists causing his knuckles to go white and his eyes filled with rage. It was actually quite a scary sight, causing Alice's eyes to widen.

Malfoy went to take a threatening step towards Harry, but stopped in his tracks when a loud whistle came from the pitch. The whistle called the players to walk on and begin the game, stopping whatever Malfoy was about to do.

Malfoy turned to walk down the tunnel, but not before sending one more deadly glare at Harry. If looks could kill, the boy who lived would be six feet under.

"Well," Ron said, breaking the silence. "Guess we should get out there."

"Right, listen everyone, you know what you're doing and I know you can do it, so just give it your all, okay?" Harry said encouragingly, turning to face his team. When everyone nodded back at him he smiled. "Brilliant, let's do this."

As the team began to walk off, Hermione and Alice decided to go and find their seats for the game. Luckily, Neville had saved two seats next to him as he knew that the girls would need some when they came up. Alice had grown to quite like Neville, he was thoughtful and kind, she was glad they were friends.

Although never having flown herself, Alice had always liked the Quidditch matches. Of course the sport was fun to watch, but the atmosphere was also amazing. The stadium, for one, was always a sight to see. Every student was wearing their houses colours, making the whole place vibrant, and the cheering if a team scored was almost deafening. Granted, it usually ended up giving Alice a headache, she still thought it was worth it.

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