Massive Revision

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Hello Everyone! Its been awhile hasn't it? I'm sorry for abandoning this story for so long and then on top of it all leaving it unfinished. I came back to write a chapter, probably about a few months ago at the time of this note, and I couldn't stop laughing at how pathetic and sad my writing was :'D, lmao. I wanted to restart this story, change the plotline, and just make a better book over all. I know this was one of my first stories, so it was destined to be an abomination, but I really don't want this to hang around much longer TvT

So in conclusion, I will be deleting the 15 chapters(?), all of the A/N's(which will be trashed completely), and we'll start fresh. Updates will be slow and tedious considering that I am no longer in an SAO phase, but hopefully I'll give this story a proper ending that is worth everyone's time... Eventually :))

Thank you for reading and keep an eye out for future updates!

~Sincerely, Alli-sama

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