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  In a world full of idiots and morons, there is little one can do to find salvation. In a world full of hate, it's hard to find a motive to keep you going. In a world full of nothing, what is there to live for? Well simply to put it

There isn't.

I stared longingly at the picture in my hands. It was a photograph of my old family. It was the generic set up of two lovey-dovey parents in the back ground while the kids posed happily in the foreground. Forced smiles plastered onto each pampered face. Lively, humble, and happy. But I'm sorry to say, that the happy people in this outdated photo died a long time ago. Our happy reality was shattered the moment my father divorced mom.

Ever since that dumpster fire of shit storm, neither of my parents acted the same. And my sister? I haven't seen her in years.

My dark colored eyes laid on the man who currently had custody of me, that false smile preserved by the plastic lamination held as taunting as ever. But it's not like I prefer my mother either. After all, she is the one who gave me up in court without a fight.

My soft and noticably chapped lips opened to slip out an indifferent sigh.

  You know, a few years ago, I may have actually cared about the fact my very own dad doesn't treat me like a human being anymore. I may have actually cried my eyes out while cursing the world in profanities.

  But now, I really don't care.

When I was young, I found out that emotions are quite fickle and un needed. They drives humans to do irrational things that inconvenience others. So, I flick the switch off. No more emotions, just a stoic shell that's empty. It makes you apathetic in a way, but all you have to do is fake it.

It's worked out so far.

Just act like you love the father whose taken everything away from you simply because it inconvenienced him. It doesn't matter how he ruined the life you've work so hard to achieve... or how he's driven away the people who cared at one point. Nor does it matter if he left you mangled beyond repair. Just love him. It can't be hard right? Agree with him, do what he says, and you'll be okay. That's love between a father and a son.

Isn't it?

Of course not... But if you can fake your way through life and avoid the hurt, it's a win in my book.

I carelessly tossed the picture frame back to were it previously resided, not really caring where it landed, and pushed myself off of my small bed. Today was my father's birthday. His name is Akihito Kayaba. normally a party would be thrown, or some other pathetic ceremony in celebration of getting a year closer to death. But like usual, he buried himself in his work. Did I give a shit? Obviously not. All I cared about at that time was the Nerve Gear.

I pulled together money in order to purchase a set, and as luck would have it, I managed to find a seller who somehow got ahold of 15 different head sets, along with multiple copies of the new game called Sword Art Online.

The name was pretty lame if you ask me, but if I know one thing, it's that my old man is serious when it comes to his work, so I figured why not give it a shot.

After stretching my creaky limbs and dragging myself all the way to the kitchen, I began to heat up some left overs I made from the previous night.

We live in a massive house that is way too big for a dwelling of two, but I have no complaints. It means I can be practically anywhere in my own home and not have to see or speak to that bastard. Luckily for me, he wouldn't be back for a long time due to his opening ceremony that was going to take place sometime today.

  I glaced slowly up at the microwave clock while I slurped up my breakfast. It shone a green 10:24 am. I quickly finished up and tossed my trash away. My hand began to twirl my short hair in thought. I probably should start up the nerve gear soon if I want to have a full day of exploring the world of sword art online. Even if I felt nothing towards this life I have, at least there was something such as games to help me escape.

This fact was the lone thing that kept me going. Knowing that I can run far away if I ever need to. And once I graduate highschool, I plan to do just that, but in reality.

Run and never look back.

I bound up the stairs with a newfound urgency once I realized that I still haven't even removed the merchandise from it's casing.  Not long after entering my room, I kneeled infront of my bed and pulled out a large box from underneath it. When I opened it I found that the headset was in perfect condition.

Now knowing that I had everything I needed, I began to set it up.

Time skip to a few wires and a plug later, we have a headset that's ready to go. I laid down on my bed and reached over to grab the gear. Before sliding it over my head, I took one last look at the clear sky until I allowed the visor to cover my eyes. Something told me that I was going to miss that scene.

I just brushed it off as a case of nerves. It's not like anything bad can happen, it's just a game.

And with that conclusive thought, I had everything I needed. So without another moments delay, I started up the game with a command shared by thousands.

"Link start!"

Little could I have predicted, that this one desire of mine, would quickly turn into a nightmare beyond which I've ever encountered.

And that it would shatter Kazuto Kayaba beyond repair.

The Son of Himحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن