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"For the last time Karly, I am fine" I say to her as she helps me out of the car. It's been 3 months and today is the last day of the court case.

I have watched over 6 weeks of this case against those charged for the crime of sex trafficking, rape and many other illegal crimes.

"You're lucky he is even letting you in today" Karly moaned as she grabbed my bag full of all the necessary needs of being heavily pregnant.

She didn't have to remind me, I've done a years worth of begging this week just so I could come today.

Today was good day, it's refreshing to actually be out of the house where I've spent most of my time. Braden sorted out a camera so that I could hear and see everything going on in the court whilst I was at home.

"Well he didn't have a choice and besides he could never say no to me" I grinned as we walked up the steps.

I swear I'll tell your babies all about how you bribed their father with your extraordinary belly"

That's right, it wasn't long before the doctor told us that I was in fact having twins. Everyone knew that already, so it wasn't really a surprise, but it took us a while to fully believe it.

By us I meant me, I cant even imagine how I will manage to push two babies out of me.

"oh, be quiet" I tell her. We make our way through the building and headed to the court room where Zach has spent most of his days as a key witness to their crimes.

A lot of the men are already sentenced for their crimes of rape but there are three men being charged for many more serious crimes which has taken longer than anyone expected.

"This dress is a little short" Zach slipped his fingers through mine as he appeared beside me. He blocked me from entering inside as he looked down my body. The black dress was long but with my belly being so big it rode up quite a bit.

"hmm nice to see you too baby" I said pushing my fingers through his hair.

He cocked a smile at me, signalling for Karly to go ahead.

"We are just waiting for the judge, we should have the verdict any minute now" he told me as he leant against the wall, his hands smoothing over my belly.

"where are the girls" I asked him. Most of the girls didn't want to be present at the court for obvious reasons. But Zach finally convinced Justin to talk and when he did, he was open about being involved in the case.

Zach initially didn't want that, but Justin was adamant to the point that he came to me to convince Zach.

"Many of them are in a separate room watching, Chloe will be in the room for the final verdict" he told me.

"Somebody say my name" We both turned to see Justin and Chloe walking towards us.

Chloe looked much better from months back, Zach organised for her and her family to go to Italy for a week which helped them to build on all those years they lost. The light was finally back in her eyes.

"you ready my children" Zach grinned as he wrapped his arms around them.

Justin rolled his eyes at Zach "Can you not say that with people around"

Chloe shook her head and came to stand by me. "Hey boys, how's it going in there" she said placing her hand on my belly.

I covered her hand with mine" Here" I moved her hand further down. It was rare for them to kick but at least she knew where they were.

Zack and my mom were the only ones to feel them kick apart from me of course.

Last month

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