I'll Be With You

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Theme: post-apocalyptic request.
(Not sure this is right)

Summary: Taeyong thought he was going to have another normal, boring day at work. He thought wrong.

Word count: 2733


Taeyong sighed as he stacked the packaged pastries on the shelf. It was another slow and quiet day at his workplace - the convenience store.

Not that he minded the pace, it only made it more boring without having customers. Sadly, he wasn't allowed to slack off on the job regardless of any customers being inside.

He flipped through the pages of one of the magazines he grabbed on display, and walked back to the staff only counter. He had already finished the entire top row this week and had now started the second of the three shelves. He sighed heavily, absentmindedly glancing over the pictured celebrities.

Just then he heard the jingle of the door alerting him a patron had walked in. "Welcome," he shouted before glancing up to see a tall brown-haired male walking by.

The said male glanced briefly at him giving a smile, exposing his dimples. Taeyong thought he was probably a popular guy at school just by his appearance and then he felt weird for making assumptions about a complete stranger.

He snapped out of his mental debate to resume looking at the pages of the magazine. He would ooccasionally peer up at the tall male as he browsed the aisles. Taeyong didn't understand why he felt so self conscious, perhaps the fact they were the only two in the store and the blaring silence echoed emphasizing each movement they each made.

Once the other boy had collected all the items he needed he made his way to the cashing counter. Taeyong quickly shoved the magazine aside clearing the countertop in preparation for the goods and smiled politely.

"Will that be all?" Taeyong asked. He looked up at the boy to find him staring at him with the same pleasant look from earlier. "Yes," he simply replied with a euphonious voice.

"C-Cash or credit?" Taeyong sputtered, once he was through scanning the items. "Cash-" the boy said reaching to his back pockets when the ground began to shake.

The walls of the store began to ruffle, bits of debris falling from the ceiling. "Get down!" Taeyong shouted as he fell to the floor, bracing his back against the counter, clutching his legs to his chest. The other male crouched down on the opposite side of the counter, holding his hands over his head to protect himself from the dust.

The rumbling became louder with much impact as the lights flickered and shelves started to tumble over. A shard of glass fell from the light shade above, slicing into the other boy's forearm and causing him to let out a huge hiss.

"Come here, quick!" Taeyong exclaimed as he reached an arm out under the opening below the countertop towards the other male. The other grasped his hand and crawled towards Taeyong to the other end of the cashing counter.

Taeyong shifted over, huddling in the corner as the other moved closer so they both were sheltered by the tabletop.

They stayed in their positions for what seemed like fifteen minutes. That was the longest earthquake they had ever experienced. The ground still shook in pulsatile trembles as the natural disaster began to subside.

Once it had calmed, the two boys stared at each other in bewilderment. The store was now dimly lit from the busted lighting and the electricity wiring might have been affected as well. Only light from outside shone giving them enough lighting to make out objects.

Jaeyong One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя