Sex Education (The Perfect Score)

3.4K 62 45

Summary: Jaehyun is a capable young man. He gets his assignments done on time, was top of his class and revered by his teacher's in high school. Upon entering his freshman year in college, he realized he hadn't experienced many things people at the age of twenty-one have, such as having his first kiss. Being self-conscious about this new venture, he confides in unlikely peer, the eccentric part time worker at his campus' cafe, Lee Taeyong.

Mature content!!
SNL Nerd Jaehyun with Punk Taeyong

Word count: 4.9k


Jaehyun stands tall, chest puffed up like a rooster ready for battle. He sports a goofy smile on his face as he clutches the straps of his knapsack then inhales deeply. Mm, the smell of freshly cut lawn and infinite possibilities, he ponders, as he starts his first day as a college freshman.

His two goals for the semester is to firstly, survive the freshie weeks activities and secondly, maximize on the campus's amenities. From the grand library filled with all the latest editions of texts and citations, to the twenty-four-hour gym and a trendy Café to name a few. Jaehyun looks up with pride in his spirit at the towering building of his new school. "Here's to a good first year," he mutters and proceeds to his first lecture of the morning.

Scratch that. Jaehyun packs his pencils and pens back into his pencil case, sighing after he's just sat through a back to back three hour session on the principles of democracy. Being a philosophy and liberal arts major might not be such an easy road. He just hopes he could ensure his grades remain at the 4.5 average he's maintained all through high school. It's currently a break period and he decides to explore the campus more to familiarize himself.

He exits his classroom behind his peers and once he's outside steps on the paved pathway, which continues in different branches, sandwiched by patches of grass and tall trees. He continues along a path, eyes observing the dispersed cliques of students loitering on the lawn or on benches nearby.

Following the trail, his eyes dart between the adjoining buildings of the business and mathematics departments. He spots the gym surrounded by a neighbouring vending machine and conveniently placed, the office to the infirmary.

Soon, the path ends where he spots the campus café. He'd hear stories of their delicious bite-sized sandwiches and vanilla flavoured macaroons. And he couldn't wait to try them himself. He walks to the door, entering with a curious and awed gaze as he admired the rustic interior. He makes his way to the line at the counter, eyes fixed on the display of sweets at the side.

In due time it's his turn to order and he steps forward with a smile, eyes still trained on the delectable dessert items. He clutches the strap of his bag, raising his gaze upwards as the cashier clerk speaks. "What would you like?" the husky voice questions.

Jaehyun stares dumbly at the clerk, brain absorbing the mental image of the man standing before him. From the striking mauve-tinted hair on his head, down to the thick black liner in his waterline, with grungy eye make-up and a "rude boy" checkered poker chip tattoo on his upper right shoulder, peeking out from beneath a metal head muscle tee. All of the following contrasting his distinct and extraordinarily soft facial features. The man was drenched in sex appeal and Jaehyun thinks he's never seen anyone more attractive in all of his life. With a quick flit of his eyes to the name tag, 'Taeyong' he reads mentally, before he's snapped out of his reverie.

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