1:- Greetings, St Michaels.

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What the Hell

Chapter One

I never was a good student, to say the least. I graffitied, I spoke back, I missed classes and I didn't do most of the work. I got expelled from Morgan High for setting the Principal's car on fire, leading my mum to discover that she was sick of my 'wild antics', as she called them. So she finally decided on sending me to St. Michaels; a place for delinquents from the ages of fifteen to eighteen.

I was almost as bad out of school than I was in it. I used to be in a gang; we called ourselves the Peaches. Don't even ask why that was our name - Tommy came up with it, and he isn't the smartest of people.

It isn't that I wasn't smart, I was, I just never saw the point of listening to arrogant teachers who told us the same thing repeatedly and enforced stupid rules that make no sense. I got suspended once for wearing a headband - don't you think that's a bit ridiculous?

Anyhow, I'm Lila Gabrielle. I have yellow eyes that reflect the moonlight, quite like a cat, and raven black hair that flows down to my hips. I'm get told I'm attractive but I don't look that much into it, appearances have never really mattered to me. I'm quite tall, standing at 5"6, but most of the people I know are taller than me. And more threatening.

"Mum, are we there yet?" I asked. I noticed her glare in the rearview mirror and smirked slightly to myself. I had been asking the same question every twenty minutes for the last two hours.  

"Yes, actually. See that gate?" She pointed at a large iron gate. It looked quite sinister; barbed wire was spread along the walls and coated the top of the gate, probably to keep us in and prevent escapes. But if I didn't know my way around barbed wire, would use would I be in a gang? I was the brains of the Peaches; I could escape although I wasn't that fast and win a fight even though I didn't have impressive strength.

"Lila, I'm going to warn you now. If you don't behave for at least two months, I'm sending you to live with your Aunt for a year."

Mum knew I hated my Aunt as I didn't exactly hide it. With her strictness, curfews and preaching, I found her quite difficult to stand. I folded my arms under my breasts and exhaled, blowing my fringe out of my eyes. I suddenly felt the car come to a halt. 

"Bye, Mum." I said, getting out of the car as fast as I could. She climbed out a few seconds later, and I noticed she had touched up her red lipstick. She smiled at me as I pulled my luggage out of the boot of the car. I was going to stay here for months, so it made sense that I had six bags which were full to the brim.

As I walked through the golden gates, Mum beside me carrying two of the heaviest bags, I could feel the stares. They knew I was new, but they didn't know my name - I had specifically asked the man I spoke with to not alert the students of who I was. I glanced around at the camp-like setting when my eyes landed on two bleach-blonde girls draped over a guy. I smirked to myself: it's about time I made some enemies.

"Excuse me," I said when I got over to the guy the girls were desperately seeking attention from. He was attractive, but not the kind of guy I usually was attracted to.  "Do you know where I'm supposed to go?" I asked innocently, batting my long eyelashes. He smiled widely at me and I made sure to keep my eyes slightly wider than usual.  

"One of our teachers is over there, I'll take you to him. Do you want any help with your bags?"

"Yes, please." I returned his smile as he guided me over to one of the teachers and took two of my bags, leaving me with one. I didn't look at the teacher until he spoke, instead being too busy with admiring the beautiful scenery. "Sir, this is the new girl."

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