Chapter 41: Mayhem

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"We'll fight for us together then, you and me." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk finally looks at him, smiles softly and nods.

"You should get some sleep, it's maximum four hours till we reach Busan." Jeongguk says and Taehyung sighs, nods.

"Tell me of you get tired, I'll drive." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods.

It doesn't even take Taehyung ten minutes as he falls asleep. Jeongguk smiles watching him sleep and then focuses on the road, gripping the steering wheel hard, hoping everything will be---okay.

But even if things go down, he's ready. He's been thinking about this for days and that's how he got brave enough to run away with Taehyung. He couldn't think of anything else how to stop the wedding because no matter what---Jeongguk would never have let that wedding happen.

He's been a coward his whole life, pushed Taehyung away just because he was scared and couldn't fight for him but he's not scared anymore. Taehyung fought for him many times, it's time Jeongguk fights for his love too---

No matter what the consequences are.


Taehyung's eyes snap open at the sudden noise. He gets of the sleepy trance, his heartbeat quickening, it's almost sunrise.

"Was that a gun shot!?" Taehyung turns to Jeongguk who has a firm expression on his face.

"Jeongguk! Was that a gun shot?" Taehyung exclaims, looking behind them and watches a black mini van at a far distance.

"They found us". Taehyung whispers in horror.

"Stay low, Taehyung!" Jeongguk says and Taehyung sinks down on his seat.

Jeongguk has been driving for three hours and now that they're finally in Busan, driving along the great Nakdong river, they're caught.

"Bogum is behind them." Jeongguk says but it doesn't do any good, doesn't make him less panicky.

"Who's in the car?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't know." Jeongguk immediately says, keeps speeding up. Jeongguk will have to get out of the busy traffic or else he'll be stuck and he can't afford that at all.

So he takes the road down the bridge and drives along the trees with the river to his side but he can't focus on that, can't let his fear take over him now. He has no other route.

There's another loud clink of the bullet hitting the back of the car and Taehyung closes his eyes, knows very well that this is not a dream.

And the next bullet is shot straight to the back tyre, making Jeongguk lose control of the steering but he manages to turn the car towards the trees rather than the river and they both cover they're heads as the car hits the tree.

"We need to get out." Jeongguk utters even though the car behind them must be approaching but they will kee trying.

Taehyung's close to crying when Jeongguk holds his wrist and pulls him out of the car from the driver seat and even when they can hear the car behind them approaching, they run.

"These fools." Sungho smirks when he looks at the two running.

"Just reach upto them quickly and let's get it over with." Daewon speaks.

"I'll make sure they pay for what they did." Sungho utters and speeds up.

And he stops then, gets out of the car, so does Daewon.

Taehyung and Jeongguk stop when a black car rushes past them and stop infront of them, belonging to Sungho's men.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung whispers as he turns around, finds Sungho and Daewon standing there.

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