"you look..slutty" -

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"Penny you aren't eating any waffles?" Mum asked the next morning at the breakfast table. She was always more than happy to prepare a lavish breakfast for my friends everytime they came over.

She shook her head munching on some cereal. "Thanks, Mrs. Sabanci. I love my cereal."

Mum sighed and placed another waffle into Darna's plate who had already devoured the last one.

"Gosh, take a breath!" I poked her side making her grunt.

"Let her enjoy her food," Mum scolded and I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning, girls," my Dad walked into the kitchen and joined us at the dining table.

"Hey dad," I greeted him but he seemed to nod towards me with a much more serious look than he normally did. Or maybe I had just imagined it.

"Morning, Mr. Sabanci," Darna greeted him excitedly. Dad always loved having Penny and Darna come over. He said it felt like having three daughters besides just one.

"So, girls, what were you up to last night?" Dad asked sipping his morning coffee.

Everyone seemed surprised by his sudden interrogation and Penny shot me a look while I shrugged in reply.

"Oh, just have your breakfast honey," Mum chuckled trying to dodge the question.

"No," Dad said firmly and looked right at me. "What were you up to Sila?"

"What are you talking about, Dad?" My heart was racing and I thought in any moment i would explode.

"Fuck." Darna muttered under her breath, and I thought she knew too what was coming next.

"We were just having a girls night, Mr. Sabanci," Penny added quickly quite clueless in that moment of what was about to hit me.

"Dear," Mom placed her hand on my Dad's shoulder trying to calm him down.

Clearing his throat, he pulled out his phone and proceeded to show something on it to Mom. The look on her face was quite enough to let me know I was dead. I was fucking dead.

"I CAN EXPLAIN." I jumped too my feet, my body shaking, arms trembling. "Its not what it looks like."

Mom and Dad stared at me like I had completely lost my mind.

"Sila, explain what?" Mom frowned at me.

"T-the video that.." I stuttered and Darna grabbed me by the sleeve to shove me back down on my chair.

Dad started to laugh. "Oh dear, you want to know what I was showing your mother. Go outside and look."

Penny, Darna and I looked at each other in real confusion. We got to our feet and I led them outside to see a huge surprise awaiting me in the garage.

I shrieked as soon as I set my eyes on it, a brand new car.

"OMG!" I shrieked in excitement jumping up and down on my feet.

"Damn lucky bitch!" Darna exclaimed slapping me on the back.

"I call dibs on the front seat!" Penny yelled and Darna groaned.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!" I ran to hug mom and dad for this amazing present they had got me.

"We know you work hard and always stay out of trouble," Dad kissed the top of my head. "So why not an early graduation present."

"I love you guys!"

Mom and Dad laughed proudly and I swear I could have cried happy tears.

"We love you too!" Penny and Darna exclaimed in unison resulting in a glare from me to them.

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