Page 13 - Saturday

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Zane's View Point

I ran by his house and stopped there. I saw the dogs in their pen, they looked sad too. They didn't even pop up when they saw me.

I guess even his sadness got to them too.

I continued running, hoping to the Gods that he'd talk to me today.

I needed to do something to keep myself busy. So I hanged with Meg and her crew.

Of course I thought about Scott all day. He was always front line of my thoughts. I wanted to see him so much, it became unbearable.

So I visited his house. His grandma told me he said he was going to the forest.

Oh well, there goes my visit. I could've follow him, but..... something inside just couldn't go.....I think I was afraid to see him.

To know that I can't do not a single damn thing to help him just made me want to isolate myself from seeing him till fate brought us back.

If I saw him and that realization hit that I can't help.....I think I would cry.

This fucking hurts.

Continuing my day with Meg, Ar and Lu, I did have fun though. They tried their best to cheer me up.

We visited the zoo and took pictures with the animals. This one monkey apparently figured out how cameras work, so everytime someone took a picture with him he would literally give a big toothy grin.

It was funny. As for the alligators every time you try to take a picture of them they would submerge their entire body in the water.

After the zoo we visited Wonderland. The mall. Weird name for a mall, but it really did have some wonderful things that where strange.

Like most malls you could find almost anything and everything you need in there.

Going there was the first time I saw Lu freak out about chocolate popcorn. Scott was right, his smile is nice


"Hey guys look here!"

His voice was nice too, usually it would be low.

Inside a room there was karaoke.

Not only was Luis a guru for advice, he could sing too. His voice was nice.

Then came Arthur. His voice was soothing. It had that masculine touch with a hint of feminine.

Last was Megan and if two of the crew members could sing, you'd except she could sing too.

She couldn't.

Not saying she had a terrible voice but, it was like a donkey laughing, her words separated and  went from low to high very quickly, but what I love was that she didn't give two shits about what her voice sounded like.

She just sang away. It was so fun and funny.

It was finally my turn. I loved to sing, still do. It was so calming for me.

I picked the song that I listened too all night last night. Dedicated to Scott.

I'll be there, by Jess Glynne.

'When all the tears are rolling down your face

And  it feel like yours was the only heart to break

When you come back home and all the lights are out

And you're getting used to no one else being around

Ohhhhhhhh I'll be there!

When you need a little love I've got a little love to share!

Oh I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through!

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you.

I'll be there, I'll be there for you

I'll be there I'll be there for you

Oh I swear I've got enough love for two

You'll never be alone I'll be there for you!


"Waw.....Zane.....your voice is beautiful!"

"Um.....thanks Arthur"

"What a voice, you ever think of being a singer?!"

"Well, Meg the thought has crossed my mind and Scott has told me that, but I still wanna be a physicist"

"Waw, a hot guy like you a physicist....that future school is gonna be very lucky"

"Appreciate the compliment Arthur but I don't wanna work in a school"

"Oh, so where?"

"I keep thinking maybe a research lab, have my own little space....or a power plant? I don't know, wherever it takes me"

"Waw, nice"

"So you're warming up to us huh Lu?"

"Well, you two have been with us for a while so....I guess"

I just stared at him, mouth opened.


" to me....without stuttering"

"Oh....well yea.....I mean I talk normally around people I'm comfortable with"

That was a beautiful afternoon. I wanted to visit him, but I doubt he wants to see me.

All I could think was that he is mad at me for not spending as much time with him as I did with Clare.

I know there was more to his depression, but I didn't know any other reasons.

Coming into my room I locked my door.

I talked to my uncle. I said hi and just made small talk by his bed side, them retired to room.

Locking the door behind me, I couldn't hold it anymore....I sank down to the floor by the door, bowed my head in my clasped knees and cried silently.

I missed him.

I missed him so much....words can't express it....only tears could.

That Night ReturnsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ