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Zane's View Point

What was wrong with him?

I can't stand this!

He's depressed and I can't do anything to help him!?!?

When I came to him the morning of school, he told me he was alright, just still tired, but I knew for a damn fact he lied to me.

We have never lied about out feelings to eachother's faces like that.

It's either we don't say anything or just tell the truth, but to lie, no...we never did. This was the first in 15 years.

What could be so bad he had to lie to me?


"Clare not-"

"I was looking for you, can you come with me today, I want to spend some time with you!"

"Clare I-"

"You're always with that antisocial Scott like seriously you could just ditch him once or twice for me Yuh know!"


Her wide eyes were beautiful but fuck she can be annoying. She's the Sakura to my Sasuke.

"Don't you ever, EVER. Talk about MY best friend like that EVER AGAIN. I will never ditch him, and to compare your company to his, is like comparing the weight of a fly, to that of a blue whale. I'd rather be in the company of your parents, than you"

I knew that little statement hit her hard. The seed of hatred she has for her parents had grown into a tree and beared fruits many years ago, and it's still standing tall and strong today.

"......well fine.......... I'll...... I'll see you later then......"

She walked off and it looked like she wanted to cry.

Fuck. I hurt her, but it was inevitable!

I still felt like a total ass though. I didn't have to say that to her.

I sighed. I'll apologies later. Right now I have to find Scott. If he's not ok then I'm ok either.

When he's depressed, I'm depressed and worried.

The bell ran for classes to start. I saw him in the back row with his head on the desk, staring at the blackboard, like it had all his answers.

I can be your answer, if you would just tell me.......fuck Scott.....what are you doing to me?


He basically avoided me.

It was that time again. Lunch time.

I don't know where he was so I sat with Megan and her crew, thinking he would come here, but he didn't.

"Hey Zane, what's up with you Scott did you have a fight?"

"I don't know. I don't know if he's going through something or if he's angry at me, but Arthur, I wish he would tell me, this hurts so fucking much......I can't take this pain.....seeing him like this and.....he's avoiding me......."

I swear I could have punched the table and break it.

"Gi.....give him time....."

Huh.....did....Luis.......just speak to me.


"Give's sometimes tell someone what's wrong......even if its your best friend.......he knows you're there for him.....
Whenever he need just wait.......the truth will reveal itself one way or another...."

"....I guess you're right....thanks Lu"

" problem"

"So wait he gets a nickname and we don't!"

Meghan actually made me smile. I felt like I couldn't smile in days.

"Well, I can call you Meg.....and that ok?"

"It's great!"


I heard Clare shout at someone outside. And since the cafeteria walls were actually windows, everyone could see, everything.

I peeped to see who and it was Scott.
What could she want with him?
I felt anger bubble inside.

My brain told me to get up and go to them, so that I did.

"What the hell did you do to my Zane?!

"What are you talking about?"


"Bitch fuck off...."

"You think you're better for him don't you.....I see how you look at want him......well you stupid fag....... he's mine!"

Just before she was about to slap him. I caught her wrist and squeezed to conjure pain.

"O...'re hurting me.....Zane!"

I let go, it took all the strength I had not to pelt a head shaking slap across her face.

"We're done...."

"Wha..... what?"

"I said...... we're done"

"But....Zane...... I"

"Don't you ever come near me or my best friend again! You talked shit about him and then you are gonna hit him!! That is FUCKING unacceptable!"

She ran off from the whole fiasco. Of course everyone stared through the windows of the cafeteria and stood outside to watch, but I didn't care, as long as he was safe.

When I turned around to greet him, he was gone.


Physics was next. When I came in class I didn't see Scott. Where was he?

"Good afternoon students, your classmate Scott has been given permission to go home due to how unwell he looked and acted. Today we learning about-"

"He....went home....and didn't even tell me anything.... literally NOTHING he didn't talk to me since we came in school!"

My attention for the rest of class were next to nothing. I couldn't concentrate with Scott on my mind.

As much as I want too, I won't go by him house after. He wouldn't talk to me anyway and I think he need some time as Luis said, so I'll give it to him, but if he doesn't tell me soon, I'll beat it out of him.

Then I realized....after school I'm going home..........

Great. Now I'll be more depressed.

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