S2 48. Pouting

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Two days later Gulf was allowed to go home again. Yin and Yon had been brought to the hospital as well by Mai because they were going crazy without Gulf or Mew being there. They literally didn’t stop crying, so Mai had called him and informer him of the situation so he decided to have them brought over to him. 

They were very confused to see another pup in their mother’s arms, but the pup smelled like mom and dad so they accepted the pup without making a fuss. They even cuddled up to the pup. And it made Mew’s and Gulf's heart swoon at the sight of it, Ice in the middle and Yin and Yon at each side of him.

Yon even had his arm thrown over his little brother. Mew isn’t going to deny he made around twenty pictures of them. 

Gulf really misses his nest and can’t wait to be in it again, safely tucked into blankets and clothes surrounded by Mew’s scent.

Mew drove them home while gulf stayed with the pup's in the backseat. He was still pretty tired so Mew carried Yon and Yin upstairs first and placed them in the nest, then he walked downstairs again and carried Gulf and Ice upstairs.

‘’Do you want something to eat first?’’ Mew asked gulf who nodded and told him he wanted fruits.

‘’Oh and add some more for Yin and Yon.’’ He added just before Mew left the room. Then he sat up straight and softly held Ice in his arms. He revealed his nipple to Ice who eagerly started feeding from him. Yon and Yin did occasionally nurse from him, but they tried to give them as much normal food as possible. They weren’t picky with their food at all, they almost took anything that either him or mew gave them. But their favorites are fruits.

He already sent mew downstairs to get food for the pup's as well so when Yon tried to nurse from him as well, he pushed the pup away and scolded him for it. ‘’No, you’re getting fruit and no milk. Milk is for Ice.’’

Yon pouted because he was pushed away and decided to go harass his sister that was playing with the giant teddy bears in the corner. He crawled to her and tackled her without warning.

Yin hissed at him and tried to use her claws to punish her brother for his behavior but yon had her pinned down. ‘’Noooooo!’’ She yelled loudly, trying to roll them over with all her strength.

‘’yon, leave your sister alone..’’Gulf sighed deeply, when Yon didn’t get what he wanted he always threw a tantrum but most of the time he released his anger on his sister.

Yon huffed but listen to his mother and released Yin. What he didn’t except though was her taking revenge and throwing her doll at him. ‘’Bad!’’ Yon growled back, his eyes flashing red.

Yon flashed her own eyes back and growled as well, her brother wanted a fight? Then he gets one. ‘’You two are going to stop it this instant!’’

Gulf had placed Ice in the nest and was now towering over Yon and Yin who (judging from their faces) almost peed their pants upon seeing mommy so angry. 

‘’yon, stop bothering your sister! Yin, do not throw your toys!’’ Gulf scolded them for a few seconds and then went back to Ice to continue his feeding. 

Yon and Yin were both pouting and ignoring each other. Yin returned back to playing with her toys and Yon continued brooding from a distance.

When mew returned with the food he gave Gulf a bowl full of fruits and two wraps covered in Nutella. Aside from that he had two separate smaller bowls, one for Yin and one for Yon. ‘’yon, come here.’’ Gulf said.

Yon, crawled to his mother and sat down next to him (still brooding). ‘’Oh stop that grumpy baby.’’ Gulf giggled, offering a small piece of banana in front of Yon’s mouth. He couldn’t deny a piece of banana though so he opened his mouth and took a bite of it.

Mew had moved to yin’s play corner (as he liked to call it), and started feeding her there. She took every single piece of fruit and after her bowl was empty she hugged mew in attempt to thank him. ‘’You’re welcome baby.’’ Mew let her return to playing with her toys and instead joined his mate.

‘’What’s up with Yon?’’ He noticed his son’s weird behavior but he didn’t comment on it earlier.

‘’I scolded him first for trying to nurse from me, then for tackling his sister and then again for continuing it.’’ Gulf replied. ‘’He does not like that.’’

Mew chuckled. He reached out his hand to ruffle Yon’s hair. His pup looked up at him and smiled at him, it melted his heart right there and then. ‘’Oh you’re so cute, come to daddy..’’ Mew pulled him up and nuzzled his face. ‘’Daddy loves you.’’

Yon nuzzled Mew back. ‘’Daddy, pway?’’

‘’You want to play pup?’’ Mew chuckled. ‘’Sure, let’s play.’’

Gulf rolled his eyes. ‘’No, your playing involves a lot of physical movement and he just ate Mew, his food has to go down first.’’

‘’I know love, I was planning to use those electronic books.’’ Mew replied.

‘’Then it’s okay.. I’m going to take a nap.’’ gulf said through his yawn. He gathered Ice in his embrace and pulled the blankets over them.

Mew in the meanwhile had taken Yon and Yin to another room and showed them multiple books. At the end of it, they could both say ‘’dog’’ ‘’cat’’ and ‘’red’’.

‘’Daddy is so proud of you Both!’’ Mew cuddled them into him and praised them every time they repeated what he said. ‘’Alright… Say blue..’’

‘’Boo!’’ Yin giggled.

‘’Bwoo.’’ yon also giggled as the pups repeated their version of ‘’blue’’ over and over again. Mew adored moments like these and couldn’t get enough of it. ‘’Good! my pup's are So smart!’’ He praised them again.

After another hour he noticed their eyes were starting to close and they weren’t as energetic anymore.

‘’Alright, nap time.. Let’s go to mommy..’’ He carried them back into the nest and laid them next to , still sleeping,  Gulf. He kissed them all on their head before leaving the room to spent some time by himself. He wasn't able to fall asleep now anyway and that would only bother his mate and pups. 

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