Chapter #7: A Sweet Earth Treat

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☠Locklin's P.O.V☠

"Huh, looks like we have to find out how to wear these human clothes.." I spoke looking at mine. Rhys walked off into our domain, everyone else stayed in Avas. "Huh, how do you believe it's done?" Noi asked looking at me "Maybe... uh.." I held the small and tight looking fabric up "I'm not too sure..." I can never get the pieces of fabric over my tail the white fabric could never go over my tail and completely cover it. The gray and, blue and purple coloured fabrics could, though they never felt right and comfortable.

After awhile I had taken off my armoured shirt and was trying ways to put the gray fabric on but I always seemed to get stuck in it. Then just as I was about to try the white one on Rhys came out, his hands on his hips with a proud smirk. "I did it!" Asch scoffed the black and red piece of fabric hanging from his horn. "I'm going to ask our prisoner!" He yelled walking off, Rhys, Pierce and I following.

"Prisoner!" Asch growled "Ava look!" Rhys spoke, an adorable gleam in his eye "I figured out how to put the human clothes on!" "Yea, he did it and no one seen!" "And he refuses to tell anyone how to do it!" Pierce spoke with a pout and Asch growled afterwards "I think I almost got it!" I smiled the white fabric, what I have found out to be a shirt was only over one of my arms, meaning I was almost shirtless.

"That's because it was a test from her and I have achieved! You guys have to do it on your own" Rhys crossed his arms "Go away...!" Ava yelped Rhys, Pierce and Asch listened walking off but I stood there. "Ooooh~" The lady chimed "I see whats going on here!" "Please... it's not what you think" "Huh?" I lifted an eyebrow confused at the old lady "Locklin!" Rhys grabbed my arm "Soceress Ava told us to leave. Come on" "Since when did you take orders from a human?" I scoffed following Rhys, Asch instantly walking the opposite way.

"Prisoner! Get over here. Now!" Asch spoke in a demanding tone "Oh!" The lady chuckled "Right uh..." Ava's face was flushed red "I have to go...! Thanks for coming Mrs. Oates..!" I was in the sofa room again, finally getting the hang of my human clothes, still confused about the pants though. I had my pants off and was slowly managing to get my human pants on. Now where does this go? I thought to myself holding up the long sleeved purple and blue shirt Probably like this shirt too... I pulled it over my head and pulled it down, it was really big on me.

Huh.. I look different in human clothes. Noi gasped "Rhys... Locklin how'd you do it?!" "It's simple really" Rhys replied smiling, I shrugged "Yea, it's easy once you stop being stupid about it" "Yea but.. the sorceress- Ava.. Said that the were magic clothes from the sacred mall!" "Use your brain" I rolled my eyes.

"You guys suck!" Ava pouted yelling at us "Excuse me?" Asch growled, Ava growled back which was far more scarier then Asch when he's angry. "Yea you heard me your Majesty!" She said 'majesty' in a angry, mocking tone "It's bad enough you guys are taking over my home but now I have to think of sweet little Mrs. Oates like... ugh...! And she thinks I'm... ugh...! With you guys...!" "Don't. Speak to me like that." Asch spoke sternly, the spirit looked at him with a growl.

"Make me stop then." Ava growled stepping closer, Asch engulfed his hands with flames. I joined ready to attack, a dark blue flameball in my hand I was ready to attack once Asch pushed Ava to the ground. "Prince Asch! Locklin stop!" Rhys yelled. Before either of us could attack, I was forced to the ground and Asch's fire was disarmed "Ow! What the hell?!" I snarled, I was laying on my stomach something standing on my back.

"What are-" Leif spoke slowly, I couldn't exactly see anyone's expression since I was face down on the ground "Miss me?" a voice chimed in my ear "Damn It Prince!" I yelled out of anger, rolling causing my spirit to be thrown off of me."You fucking followed me?! How?" Everyone stared at me, as I yelled at the spirit. Nova quickly walked over to Prince's side sitting beside him "You didn't tell me you were leaving" Prince hissed then went quiet as everyone looked at him.

My inner demons fanfic  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon