Part Twelve: Saving the Bad Boy (pt 1)

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(Part Twelve: Saving the Bad Boy (pt 1)

(Xavier's P.O.V)

I'm not stupid.

After I had received the message with an address attached, my brain instantly went into overdrive, thinking of possible ways I could go through with this crazy stunt without dying.

In any regular case scenario, I would waltz in without a second thought and beat the boy to a pulp before casually leaving with my grandpa, but this is definitely not a normal case scenario.

My grip tightens on the wheel as a sharp pain shoots through my side, momentarily jolting me from my thoughts and reminding me why I couldn't be casual with this stunt. 

As I said before, I'm not stupid.

I knew that if I told Stephen where I was heading and what was happening, he would lock me in my room and drive himself to do the task.

Sure, I wouldn't mind staying home and resting up a bit after life changing surgery, but sadly, Stephen is my friend.

So I can't just let him strut into his inevitable death.

I ended up leaving my phone out and open on the couch, and changing the contact name to Gage, risking no one seeing it, but knowing Stephen is a curious person.

By the time I get there and grab my grandpa, Stephen will pull up in his car as per usual, have me hop in and it'll be as if nothing happened.

Part of me is worried that this could go wrong, I have no actual plan and Gage couldn't have made it any more obvious that he was using my grandfather to bait me into some trap he'll have elaborately set up.

I bite my lip and force my thoughts away again as I park a few blocks back and quietly exit my car, locking the door in hopes that I won't return to it being ransacked.

Then again, it's not the worse thing that could occur in this scenario.

With quick but careful steps, I sneak around the abundance of trees and hold my breath as I fall into a crouch.

One step. Two step. Stop.


Until I'm near a back window, checking my watch for the time.

With ten minutes to spare I glance at my surroundings and lift my calloused fingers up to the dainty window, praying it's unlocked.

I give the smallest amount of force, and push up on the window, hoping it opens.

The window, to my surprise, slides open almost smoothly, getting hitched once before gliding open the rest of the way.

This seems almost too convenient.

I shake away my nerves and ignore the sharp pangs in my side as I use my arms to propel myself up and into the house.

After landing as graceful as I can, being a 200 pound young adult, I fall to a crouch, nursing my wounded side with my left hand while I place my right on the floor to balance myself.

A sharp clapping interrupts my break-in, causing my breathing to pick up as I lift my head to see who it is.

Gage stands tall with a huge smirk on his face, pulling a gun from his side pocket and aiming it at me, " Well well Xavy, I didn't take you for the punctual type" He cocks his head to the side in thought.

I inhale sharply as my pain increases, "And I didn't take you for someone who kidnapped elderly people, life's just crazy like that."

Ignoring my previous statement, he nudges the gun up in a motion for me to stand, and I reluctantly do so, not willing to let myself die at the hands of Gage.

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