Part Fourteen: I Saved the Bad Boy

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(Part Fourteen: I Saved the Bad Boy)

(Avalon's P.O.V)

"Noah? "

I turn the unconscious body around the rest of the eat and if possible, my eyes widen more.

To assure it's not his doppelganger, I roll up his sleeve and check his arm for the familiar scar.

Yep, this is him.

But what's he doing here? Knocking people out and throwing them in locked rooms?

Realization strikes me again.

"You tried to kill me" I hiss before wobbly standing up glaring at him.

I notice something in his pocket, glistening slightly and I take a closer look.

A key.

I snatch it up and put it in my back pocket.

"Karma is a bitch isn't she" I mutter before peaking out at the hallway and leaving the room, feeling along the wall to guide me down the dark corridor.

I almost trip as I come up on a set of stairs.

This must lead to the others.

I dropped my bat back at the room and now all I hold is the gun in my right hand.


I feel my pocket.

My pepper spray is still on me.

I silently thank Xavier for that one and make my way up the stairs carefully, wiping the tears and sweat from my face.

At the top of the stairs, I come upon another door, this one being absent of any guards.

I hide behind the stairs as the door suddenly opens before slamming shut, revealing a pissed off, Gage and two others.

I recognize one as Lillith and suppress a gasp, ducking lower, but the other person doesn't look familiar to me.

"Hey boss, you want us to stay here and watch the door? " The man asks earning himself a glare.

"No, they won't be getting out anytime soon" He waves his key in their faces as if that was the obvious answer.

"When I get to the room, you two can go and check around outside, make sure no one else is sneaking around, but until then, " He puffs out some more smoke.

"Follow me. "

They take off down the hallway before rounding the corner, giving me the perfect opportunity to sneak up to the door.

I grab the key from my pocket and clumsily attempt to open the door as quiet as I can.

I push it open slightly, peaking in and gasping at what I see.

Side by side all tied up, Stephen, Zahbia, and Tracey sit, looking exhausted and hopeless.

I look around and after realizing no one else is in the room or around for that matter, I sneak into the room, alerting them that I'm there by whispering their names loudly.

Stephen and Tracey look up at me in fear then shock, before Tracey starts to cry and Stephen grins widely at me.

Zahbia still doesn't look up.

I frown and point at her in confusion.

"She's still unconscious" Stephen mutters, any happiness fleeing him instantly.

"Don't worry, she'll wake up, she just needs to get to a hospital" Tracey encourages, looking at Zahbia anxiously.

"But what happened to you? We thought you were dead and now you're walking in, covered in blood and not dead? " Stephen enquires, still looking shocked.

I Saved The Bad Boy|✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن