The Revolution

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"We're savages!" a man replied with a raspy voice as he laughed maniacally.

"Just leave my daughter alone," Jack said assertively as he struggled to get loose from the rope that he was tied up with. It was thicker than his wrist, which made it even more painful when he tried to move his hands around. "Look, we barely have anything left."

"We'll take everything," the man replied. He wore a red and brown bandana on his face, which only revealed his devilish eyes. His thick caterpillar eyebrows covered up the majority of his upper face. The man held an assault rifle like it was a sword, as he waved it around while talking. He wore large camouflage pants and a black shirt. His brown hair shined in the reflection of the yellow light coming from the kitchen. "Hurry up in there, will ya."

"Just don't hurt my daughter," Lydia cried from right beside Jack. "Please!" They were both tied up right next to each other, below the sink.

"Dear, she is as good as dead," the man said while laughing underneath the handkerchief. "Now shut up, I've got a long trip ahead."

"Will you still take me?" a familiar voice spoke. It was Maria who had a crazy look in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Jack asked. "And leave my daughter out of this."

"No," another person spoke from behind the one with the assault rifle. This person looked like he was about fifteen years old, but the two handguns he carried made him seem older.

"Yes," a third man said from the hallway. His heavy boots could be heard thumping along the hallway as he approached closer into the destroyed living room. This was a much older man, with white box cut hair. This guy sounded more calculating and menacing and it could be assumed that he was the leader of the crew by the way he carried himself.

"She nearly snitched on us, Jay," The boy said spitefully. "She'd be lucky she's still alive."

He stared at Maria, who was sitting silently next to the covered dead body of Michael, with an angry look.

"First of all, don't speak our names," Jay replied. "Secondly, she did not snitch."

"Yeah, if we hadn't blown this place up," he muttered.

"Should we kill her, boss?" The man wearing the handkerchief replied. "We don't need her anymore."

"Please!" Maria screamed. "I did as you said."

"No, we might need her..." Jay replied with a pause. "Where's the kid?"

"Please, don't," Lydia softly said while tearing up.

"Bring the kid," Jay screamed.

With this command, a person started approaching Jay. Along with the marching footsteps, came crying sounds of Jennifer. Jack and Lydia became distraught as they saw a crying Jennifer being transferred from the hands of the fourth person to the fifth, who was standing by the doorway.

"Put her in the car," Jay ordered. He changed his direction towards Maria and said, "don't mess up next time."

"I won't, I promise," she replied with a smile covered with tears.

Jack and Lydia's screams could be heard from beside me as they heard the crying sounds slowly dissipate into the background. As this was going on, Red and Cady began to gain consciousness. Tom had still been knocked out from the explosion.

"What's going on?" Red asked faintly.

"They attacked us," Jack replied angrily.

"Did you get everything?" Jay asked his henchmen.

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