Why though?

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Alex's POV

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW!

The movie ended so we both decided yo retreat to our rooms because John was "tired" like come on who gets tired at 2:45 in the morning! But that's not the point here. Well I guess there's only one thing I can do...call The Relationship Expert.

"This is the relation sensations hotline, my name is Peggy the relation ship expert. How may I help you?" What am I getting myself into? "Peggy now is really not the time for this shit I need help!" "OK OK no need to be rude. What's wrong?" "John asked me out." I mumbled out. "I'm sorry I couldn't here you Alex. Who asked you out?" I sigh, "John asked me out." Peggy squeels really loudly into the phone causing me to pull the phone away.

"YES I KNEW IT! I KNEW HE WOULD ASK YOU OUT SOONER OR LATER!" Wait what? "Wait what you do you mean you knew he would ask me out?" Peggy groans, "Alex, John's crush on you is so fucking obvious. You're just oblivious but you're not ready for that conversation."

I groan, "Anyway did you say yes?" "I said I would think about it." "...Why?" "Why not?" "Why?!" "Why not?!" "...Why though" "I don't know why Peggy...should I say yes?" "YES YOU DUMBASS!" I laugh, "OK ok...I'll tell him tomorrow morning." "You better."

Lafayette's POV

I Wake up at 9 in the morning to hear my phone ringing. Looking at it I see that its John calling. "Why the fuck are you calling me at nine in the morning! Don't you know I have better things to do like sleeping asshole!" I yell into the phone. And he has the nerve to laugh bitch the fu- "I know, I know but he's giving me an answer today." "Who?" "Alexander! I asked him out yesterday."

I smile John finally gained the courage to ask him out. "That's great Mon Ami." "You and Herc should come over." "I-I don't think that's such a good idea John you know how Alex doesn't like us very much." "Laf pleeeeaaaase! I need help cooking breakfast for him." "Fine Herc and I will be over in 20 minutes." "Thanks Laf!"

John's POV

As I set the ingredients on the counter I hear the someone knock on the door. "Coming!" I open the door to find Herc and Laf in chef hats and aprons. "Didn't think I would become a chef this early in the morning but I'm down for whatever," Herc says. "We got you one too Mon ami." Laf hands me an aorin that says kiss the cook which is a classic might I add. I nod with confirmation and lead them into the kitchen. "OK so I was thinking we make pancakes, eggs, biscuits, and bacon. How's that sound?" "Sounds simple enough," Herc states. How hard can it be?

Alex's POV

I wake up to the smell of something burning and the smoke alarm going off. WHAT THE HELL?! I immediately run out of my room to the kitchen to find John scraping burnt eggs in the trash, Lafayette trying to get pancakes off of the ceiling, and Herc fanning the smoke alarm. Not only that there is flour and egg shells all over the kitchen floor with a lovely mixture of egg yolks and orange juice on the counter.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THREE DO?!" They all turn to me clearly terrified. John comes up to me placing his hands on my shoulders. "Don't touch me." I say trying to shake his hands off of me. "Alex listen to me this is my fault I-" "What the fuck do you mean this is your fault John?" "I told them to come over to help me make breakfast for you all of this is my fault." I stopped struggling in his grip.

"You what?" "I was hoping that if I made you breakfast it would lessen the chances of you saying no. Seems like a stupid idea now." I look over his shoulder to see Lafayette and Hercules trying to clean up the mess in the kitchen. "You did?" "Yeah I did." "...Can we talk in my room John?" "Yeah." We go in my room and sit on my bed. "I was going to say yes." "Wait what!?" John looks at me with a shocked face. "I was going to say yes whether or not if you made me 'breakfast' I want to make this work."

The next thing I know John is tackling me in a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you." I smile, "You're welcome John." I guess we'll see how this goes from here.

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