Veronica walks away and of course I am staring at her ass again.

Veronica sets a coffee cup down and then pours coffee in it "don't choke on it" she said to me and I grin "I'd much rather choke you" I tell her with a flirty smile.

Veronica sighs "do you want food or not" said Veronica and I grin "pancakes thanks beautiful" I said handing her the menu, "how many different nick names am I going to get from you" she asks and I shrug "I don't know till I find one I like for you, peaches" I said with a smirk, Veronica laughs "that's just a big no" she tells me as she turns to walk away "bet you taste like fucking peaches and I'm dying to find out gorgeous" I tell her and she just shakes her head then walks away.

I keep my eyes on her as she serves customers then Archie walks in, a guy I don't like fucking preppy little bastard. I watch him talking to Veronica and she is flirting with him then gives me a glance as I eat my food.  I hear him flirting with her and he asks for number and now I'm very jealous.

I finish my pancakes and I lift a hand so she will come back over to me "what now" she said with an attitude "check" I said as I finish my coffee and Veronica walks away.

When she comes back dropping off my check I grab her hand "why are flirting with Archie Andrews" I ask her and she smirks "because I can " said Veronica and I shrug "thought you had more taste than that preppy dick" I said looking over at Archie who is on his phone "what's wrong with him, he's cute, charming and funny and owns Andrews Construction" she said to me, I sigh "yes I know he owns it, what's so special about owning it, I own Whyte Wyrm nothin special about that" I tell her as I get up and towering over her.

"Jughead owns it, you're simply his partner" she tells me and I chuckle "no sweet heart we own it together, both of us went half on that bar before Hiram Lodge can take it from the Serpents" I said to her and she stiffens all of sudden "Hiram Lodge is a dick" she growls and I chuckle "and you know him too apparently what'd he try to buy off you" I ask her jokingly and she looks up at me "I work two jobs because of him, Hiram Lodge is my useless father" she tells me and my stomach drops.

No wonder why Jughead hired her, she's the Veronica Lodge as in Betty's best friend who was cut off by her rich daddy that didn't want her hanging out with southside kids and definitely not the Serpents. For whatever reason I've never run into her before on the southside.

"You're the Veronica Lodge" I said still shocked "one and only" said Veronica "I had no idea, I don't really come on this side of the town often, we're not exactly welcomed here" I tell her looking at Archie who is glaring at me along with a bunch of other people in Pop's, she looks around her "I decided to make my own path from the Lodge legacy, I don't want his blood money" she said then walks away.

I grab her hand and I slide my money into her hand "have a good day" I said then I glance at Archie who is still glaring at me and I lean in to Veronica and kiss her cheek, surprising her "I'd kiss you but I can wait, I'm sure it'll be worth it" I said in her ear then walk away before she could say anything.

A few days go by and we haven't spoken since Pop's but I can't seem to get my mind off of her and when I do see her in the apartment its in the morning and she usually isn't wearing much just a tee shirt.

Now its always one of Jug's shirts which irks me so much because I want her in my shirts to the point where I leave whatever shirt I have on that day in the living room on the couch when I get home just for her to go to bed in when she get's home from her shift at the bar or her night shift at Pop's .

Tonight I come home to hear moaning and groaning in Jug's room and I swear to myself "glad someone is getting laid" I mumble to myself as I take off my shirt and throw it on the couch and then suddenly I hear "I'm comin" and it's Jughead yelling it out.

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