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Welcome to the new version of Guilt

This project is a retelling of the story, "Guilt." By Isaac. This project is more or less: practice, as an editor, and as a Beta-Reader. More details are available at the Editor's Notes at the bottom of this page. Thank you, and please enjoy the story.


Guilt: The Trial of Izuku Midoriya


Original version story written by: Isaac

Edited and re-uploaded with permission by: LordXG3


Chapter One: The Attack


By the time Ochako realized they were being attacked, she only had mere moments to act. She had only caught the faintest flash of a steel blade as a villain had charged out of an alley, completely ignoring her to rush her companion. Without thinking, all she could do was call out to him to warn him.

"DEKU!" She screamed out; the panic in her voice had caused the young hero to snap his head towards her, only to see his eyes fill with horror as he looked slightly to her left towards her blind spot.

In her rush to warn her friend, Ochako hadn't noticed a second villain emerging from the alley, this one coming for her. She froze as she felt a large hand wrapped around her shoulder. She turned quickly, using her training to try and twist her body from his grasp. Her eyes fixated on the villain's other hand, which had been transformed into a lethal-looking spear point cocked back to as he was getting ready to strike. Before her brain could process anything else, there was a sudden blast, and she found herself slamming hard on the hard pavement scraping her back and arms.

'W-what happened?'

She looked up and found herself nearly twenty feet away from where she had been previously standing. In less than a millisecond, she had been thrown backward by an enormous amount of wind pressure, which only meant one thing.

"DEKU!" Ochako screamed again, coughing as the dust and dirt began to rain down to settle, making it difficult to see. She rose slowly, limbs shaking, and began stumbling forward. Trudging through the dust, before spotting the form of her best friend, lying prone on the ground. Instead, she rushed to his side, quickly kneeling next to him, trying to assess his condition to the best of her ability.

"Deku, are you okay?" She asked as she gingerly raised his head, hoping her voice didn't come off as too worried or scared as she thought it did. She needed to be strong for both of them right now.

"U-Urara-raka..." Izuku managed to choke out weakly. "Are you hurt?"

Ochako couldn't help but laugh despite the situation. Of course, Izuku would ignore himself to ensure her well-being. As the dust cleared, she got a better look at him and stifled a gasp. Her mind went back to their disastrous summer training camp when Deku had broken both his arms. These injuries were nothing like that.

Izuku lay before her, his face twisted in pain as he sat himself up slightly to assess his shattered legs. He mentally cursed his stupidity.

'Of course, you cant walk after that! Idiot! Broken arms are one thing, but how do I move now?'

Guilt: The Trial of Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now