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Just like I promised! I said I am working as fast as possible to get this done, and I meant it. We're almost done, and I'm looking forward to the next big project I have in store for all of you.


Guilt: The Trial of Izuku Midoriya


Original version story written by: Isaac

Edited and re-uploaded with Permission by: LordXG3


Chapter Nine: Lost and Found


"Midoriya...killed someone."

Ochako gaped at the boy standing before her.

'What did he say? Killed?'

Her eyes widened in shock as everything fell into place in her mind. Izuku's recent behavior, not wanting to share what was happening, all of it made sense now. 'It isn't just that he wants to keep it from us. He hasn't fully come to terms with it yet.'

All of her thoughts were quickly overcome with a need to see him. To help him. As if she had mentally summoned him, the door had opened just as Denki had finished. The blond boy spun around and unconsciously took a step back. Looking past him, she saw Izuku standing before the group.

Standing next to Eri. She noticed the confusion in his face as his eyes traveled from Denki to scan everyone else. As Izuku's eyes finally met hers, his hand fell away from Eri's, and the world froze.

The single moment seemed to go on forever. Desperate fear took hold within as Ochako stared into the beautiful green eyes that she had fallen in love with. 'No... he can't be here. Not right now.' Ochako had heard the gasps, and she watched as Denki take a step back. She felt the fear in the room. 'Of course, they're scared. They just found out their friend took a life.'

She didn't know why, but her fear didn't share the same source. She was scared for sure, and she could feel her body trembling. But not because of that. She was worried for Izuku, probably more than he thought she did. She knew how his mind worked. She knew how he would take everything on himself. Most of all, she knew how hard it was for him to connect to people. It had been difficult just to get him to open up to everyone in Class 1-A, let alone his own friends.

'But if he sees them all afraid...of him...' she wanted to turn to the rest of them and make them calm down, but she couldn't break from his gaze. Intangible emotions traveled across the bridge their eyes made, and Ochako watched as his face change. The confusion fell away from his face, replaced by a quick look of comprehension before his face settled into a single emotion.


Ochako knew she had to talk to him; she had to let him know they were there. She had to remind him he wasn't alone.

'Before he closes himself off again.'

She tried to call out, but before she could even open her mouth, he was gone. The frozen moment died as Izuku disappeared in a flash of green, replaced by a large hole where the dorm's door had been. Ochako stood quickly, rushing past the still frozen Denki. She spilled out onto the dorm steps, closely followed by Tenya, Shouto, and Katsuki.

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