Chapter Two

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When I open the door to his office I am surprised. His muscles have filled out, his jaw sharper than the finest knives. His smile is warm and I look down at the outfit I am wearing. I am surprised at how bold it is. But the time I look up at him. His eyes turn beastly and a jolt of excitement runs through me. He holds my chin and pulls me into his soft as a flower petal lips. We break apart from the kiss and I try to look into his eyes. I want to see what he feels. But like smoke, he evaporates into thin air and I have pulled away from the dream.

My eyelids feel too heavy to open, but the door swings open. I can smell him. The very man who used to kiss me in real life and not only in my dreams. I can hear the floor make a few little sounds as he walks towards me. The bed sinks when he sits on the edge. He then begins to play with my hair. His fingers find my face and he traces my jawline gently. I open my eyes to look at him. He smiles as if whatever happened in our past, that I can't quite remember. At the moment because his eyes are so beautiful.

"Ma belle." He says leaning in to hold me. That's when I notice the full suit. Even though I am mad at him, I can't be mad when he holds me like this. His heartbeat plays like a symphony in my head.

"My Alpha," I whisper into the air.  Without any more words, he just holds me. After a while, the things that happened between us just start whispering in the back of my mind. I start crying and he just holds me. Pushing him off me isn't easy, but I successfully do it by throwing him across the room.

"For years you ignored me, I was nothing to you, Connor. You can't just hold me like that. We broke up years ago. I have moved on already, leave me alone." He gets up off the ground and growls.

"I have done everything in my power to protect you. Mads listen it wasn't my mom who helped and set up everything when you became an alcoholic, it was me. Oh and that guy in your 3rd period who sexually assaulted you I pulled some strings and he got expelled. Everything I do is for you. The distance was for your safety. Now that you are done with school you can move in and we can continue where we were. You can be mine again." My eyes bug open as he says this.

"I do not care if you are Alpha. You are not controlling my life anymore. You are the one who sent me to those parties heartbroken. I drank to drown out you. Now, that I am much much better. You want to tell me you helped. Your way of helping always gets me hurt. I loved you so much, I was ready to give up my dream of being a journalist. I was willing to do that for us. I loved you more than anything and I fought for you. For us. You are the one who wanted to keep our mate bond secret. Oh..oh no please don't say you did that because you never wanted me?" I start to bawl my eyes out as I ask the question and I run into his office and slam the door.

"Mads, I have always wanted you. Even when we weren't mates. I want you to hold my mark and to carry our children. I want you to be by my side and run this pack. I want to hold you at night and kiss you in the morning." I turn around to look at him as he is saying everything I want to hear.

I walk over to him and I kiss him, he is shocked at first but then he melts into it. I pull away and he smiles.

"It's been three years I want more than that." He says pulling me into his arms and then throwing me over his shoulder.

He throws me onto his desk and his gaze runs the path of my body.
His eyes like fire traveling across my skin.

"I like what the years have done to you." He says hovering over my body with his strong figure. I feel like a mouse in a trap. My body still wants him after all these years. Especially on this desk, I want him to think of me while he is working. I want to be on his mind all the time, I want to be wanted by him. Years of neglect have gotten to my wolf and I.

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