4. Gay thoughts

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~I'm writing this at like 11 at night. Pray for me! ( haha jk god hates me) ~

Evans POV

"Jared! There you are!" I walk into the classroom disputes the bell already ringing in my ear.
"Um, Ya!?" Jared asked, kinda suddenly too.
" Oh I was wondering if you wanted to hang, maybe have a sleepover at my place tonight? Itsokifyoudobtiwssjustthinkingthat-"

Jared cut me off before I could finish.
"Hell ya Hansen. I wouldn't mind that at all."
We got up to leave the class when a pice of paper fell out of his bag.

"Hey, I think your bags vomiting, Jared." I giggled ,bending down to pick it up, until Jared quickly yanked it to himself off the floor.
"No, don't look at that!" He yelled starting to panic. He's breath spread up, I wanted to stop this, I don't wanna see my life long crush worry over me.
"It's fine, Jared I won't look unless you want me too." I hope that helped.
"Thanks Evan. It's just a bit personal.. heh."
Jered let out an awkward and adorable chuckle, almost as adorable as the way he- no stop it, too many gay thoughts at once!

~time skip brought to you By the fact that Rich Goranski is a bisexual king~

Schools out for the day and I can't wait to get home to set up for our sleepover!
I waved goodbye to Jared and started to walk back to my house, spacing out as I listen to the wind.

my mind started to annoy me tho, constantly bring up more and more gay thoughts!

Me and Jared.
Me and Jared dating
Mine and Jared's wedding
Jared's big-
(You thought Evan was innocent?)

"Ugh! Shut up brain!" Great! Now I won't be able to talk to Jared without blushing later.

~ another time skip be out to you by my love of sanders sides ( I'm bringing it up because I wanna talk to more fanders) ~

Jared's POV

I pulled into Evans driveway and parked my car, going over the plan in the head.
Step one: act normal until around dinner
Step two: hint at the fact I like him
Step three: mention party games
Step four: ask to have another sleepover soon
It's fool proof! Other than the fact that I'm almost certain to mess up step three.. oh well! I'm a being of chaos!

I breath in and knock on the door, bracing myself for a very confusing and hopefully romantic night.




"Hey Jared!"

~Ya! I finally made a longer chapter! If anyone who's reading this has any advice, I would love to get some help!

Sincerely, a board theater nerd.~

Jared Hansen ( a kleinsen fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now