Hell aka school

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Wether your in middle school, high school, a teacher or student, school sucks...a lot. Now some people actually like these wasted hours most every week day, that's cool. one question though, how many drugs are you on?
Story time:
I wake up and frown, my bones ache and I'm awake at 6 am, must be Monday. Now Mondays could be acceptable like every other day if it weren't for the schooling and various other touters that this day starts up. I reluctantly leave my tempting warm bed. I pick out my favorite, most slimming outfit, the cruel voice in my head tells me it won't do any difference to my ugly looks. I'm constantly trying in vain to feel beautiful. It's a lost cause I know I will be ridiculed no matter what I do. I'm not afraid of the words they say but rather what their eyes show me . I've become such a shell of my former self, I constantly wonder and worry about when other people's thoughts towards my own appearance became so important. Thats just what school does to ones pride I supose. I have 5 minutes left and so I gleefully grab some coffee ( the drink of the Gods) and run to catch a bus full of rowdy idiots. I walk on to the usual faded yellows  bus and sit down in the same seat I always do, and instantly ease up. Because let's face it being familiar with our day gives us the false, stupid, feeling of safety. Here comes the one variable to my morning...him. The sole captor of my pathetic heart. Sadly he will never know what he possesses because I assume he will never return my affection. Simply I'm just terrified of rejection, my inner bully taunts. He is gorgeous in the best way. His smile is easy and hair long, eyes bright. I watch him from the corner of my vision with longing, and as always my stomach flips when he laughs at something I'll never know about. I try to stop being a loser and focus on the home work I didn't do the night before. I hate work but I left it incomplete mostly because there is always one more netflix season to watch or friend to text. My grades constantly slip, but I despise homework enough to not care. Of course I'm letting my dear parents down and I know how much they "care" about me. He laughs his stupidly cute little laugh, and I wake up. I sigh, today is making me exhausted and I've just now gotten on the actual school property. I look up at the faded old building with the ancient sign deeming it a place of education, I sigh again. I hear some one say "slut" I know it was for me so I put my hoodie on. I make a point to not dress to feel good about my self again, because heaven forbid you show clevage. I walk through the heavy double doors that lead to my demise. I can practically smell hopeless teen in the air . I feel anxious just being here, I hate this place. I feel like I'm stuck, always repeating everyday, in a rut. I say one day I'll loose weight, be prettier, happier, funny, social, I'll try harder, he'll like me too... but that's tomorrow, today I'm better off dead than here, tomorrow I won't dread the day. Maybe. maybe not. I will probably just tread on through a mediocre life like every other poor soul in this joint.

THE END ( I wish)

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