Chapter 1; New World Same Mistakes

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Coldness reflects more than just a physical feeling I'm aware of that now more than ever.

Sitting alone in this empty stone containment room for two years has caused a lack of emotions to overtake my prior self..leaving my lifeless exterior nothing but empty..cold.

I have no one else to blame for my predicament other than myself. One stupid mistake landed me in the guards custody until my 18th birthday then I will be executed. That's the law here in the Ark. Any crime, no matter how small, if committed over the age of 18 is punishable by death. Those who are underage stay in lock up until they reach 18 and their file goes under review of the counsel. Should they decided one dangerous and expendable their fate is sealed.

I knew that, I knew I was eventually going to die when I turned

Laying back on the icy floor I gazed out the only window on the ceiling. Right now my room is facing mars. I imagine being out there, how long would it take for me to die? Would it be painful? Does my lifeless body travel the galaxy endlessly?

Anybody who has the answers to my questions is dead. Soon I will be too.

I don't regret my 'crime', hell I'd do it again in a heartbeat. The only thing I regret is my capture and the deaths of the people I love. Loved is the more accurate term.

The key tones to the cell door began to chime causing me to stand up and cross my arms across my chest, swallowing a hard lump in my throat. I don't know why though, I'm not afraid. I watched as one of the guards walked in followed by an older brunette I recognize as a member of the counsel. Abby.

"Guess it's time huh?"

Curiously I examined the guard as he opened a suit case then pulled out a metal bracelet confusing me.

"Aw how sweet a birthday present. No offense but I'm not really a jewelry girl. Plus I don't want that hunk of junk to be on my dead body." My humor is rewarded by utter silence.

The guard steps closer and I back away until my flushed behind comes in contact with the stone wall.

"Sage, the counsel has come to a decision and it's one I'm sure you'll be pleased with."

The woman's words left me stumped.

"I'm not going to be floated?"

"No, you're not." There's a distinct disgusted tone in the guards voice.

He's obviously not happy with my 'freedom'.

"I don't understand." I should die for what I did. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"I can assure you it's no joke. We are sending the one hundred delinquents to Earth. We need to see if Earth is safe enough to send the rest of the Ark's population down. We believe it is now time for us to return home." Abby explained but my bafflement never faded.

Why now?

I don't bother to think why us because the answer is obvious; if we die due to radiation no one will care.

Before I can say anything more on the subject the guard roughly yanks my arm outward.

"This will monitor your vitals while you are down there. Don't take it off Sage; it's the only way we will know what the conditions on Earth are like. You'll all have one on. The drop ship is leaving soon; your father has organized a pack for you filled with clothes-"

"He couldn't tell me all this himself?" Once the metal wristband is on I bring my arms back over my chest.

"He wanted to-"

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