Kars the pRiMo mAFioSO

Start from the beginning

Kars:"Wow! so you must really be Powerful without your armour."

Bruto:"I do not like Brag but--"

He's interrupted by Kars Punching him in the face Knocking him out instantly

Kars:"Sleep well my friend, Dream of Large women..."

Kars walks up to where Mista and Tuono are fighting and simply pulls out his stand and forces it on Tuono's

the stand stops assaulting the Diner with it's electricity and just floats there

even when Tuono tries to pull his stand back it doesn't respond

Kars:"You said your stand absorbs static in the air to charge up Deadly Volts of Lightning, Correct?"

Kars motions the Stand to raise it's hand into the air and charge up an attack and point it at it's own user.

Tuono:"Che Diavolo Vero?!?! OK, OK... I surrender OK... ya win--"

but before he could Mista comes in knocking him out with the butt of his gun.

his stand dissipates as the mask falls onto the ground

Mista:"That's for earlier..."

Everyone turns to Merda

Mista points his gun at him

Mista:"Now.... you better give us the arrow or I'll blow a hole in between your eyes..."

Merda:"ah, what Murderous Vigour... but I'm afraid the arrow belongs to me..."

Mista:"I suggest you give it to us.... by the fact you sent your goons after us without helping means you probably have a really weak stand.... or maybe you don't even have one! come on... if you want to not become Fugo's Shirt either bring out your stand or give us the arrow."

Merda:"oh you poor Stupid Bambino... I've had my stand out since you entered.... Out of all the restaurants in all of Italy.... why did you think I chose this one..."

before anyone can react he calls out



Destructive power: A(Ability), B(Physically)

Speed: D(Ability), A(Fully Grown)

Range: A

Persistence: A

Precision: B(Ability), A(Physically)

Development Potential: A

Ability: a Bound stand to a restaurant of Merda's Choosing after taking an hour to manifest it begins to release spores into the food made in the restaurant which it can activate causing anyone and everyone that has eaten the food from said restaurant within the last 5 hours to suffer from cramps and food Poisoning allowing for easier assassination, when not being bound it takes the form of Merda's Jewellery, though it's most dangerous ability may be it's power to make itself Invisible even to other stand users.

Merda:"Now.... Perish to the feeling of food poisoning...."

Giorno:"Why would we? none of us ate any of the food..."

Merda:"YOU FOOL!!!! You ate the food earlier when you were thinking over our deal!"

Giorno:"That's what I wanted you to believe... over the past 11 years everyone of your murders took place in a restaurant... so while tricking you into believing I ate the food I actually turned every bite into a lady bug that I allowed to leave my mouth."

Merda:"Well, how about your Comrades?! They must have gotten hungry!"

Giorno:"Kars here doesn't need to eat and even if he did eat he's immune to every poison on this planet, and Mista refuses to be served fourth so I let him bring Crackers to snack on..."

Merda:"Well that just doesn't make sense..."

in response Mista wastes no time and fires at Merda

but the bullets stop inches away from him before ricocheting back at Mista sending him flying back in pain

Merda:"it takes one Hour for my Stand to Manifest enough to spread spores.... how Strong do you think it would grow within a month..."

An Invisible force wraps itself around Mista's arm causing him to throw his gun away before stringing him up constricting him

Merda:"You're standing in my stando.... the very walls are my stand.... the floors, the doors, even the windows..."

The Doors and windows lock simultaneously.

Merda:"If either of you bring out your stands I'll break Mista's neck like a Fucking Twig!!"

(Que Round about)

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