I'll say it right now

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quick start. I'm naven, I love jokes food and generally all types of media except for kpop. I'm a weirdo and a sadist at least on the surface. It's the beginning of a new year and now my old class just broke apart and I somehow wriggled my way into the so called top class.

everyone who goes in there is said to be hardworking, studious and competitive with their studies. Well I'm the exact opposite. I'm lazy, loud, chill with whatever result I get and never hand in homework. You would think I deserve to be put with the lowest of the low but I just don't need to study especially with my IQ being 134 which I heard is very high.

But I'm not very normal persay. I'm inept at correctly interpreting social situations and get into a shit ton of trouble always. I am an obnoxiously hyper guy but I still sleep in class. Nothing ever gets to me whether it be a scolding, insult or genuine advice. I have a large grin as I'm told and a smug face which when I'm tired I always look done with life.

I'm always going against the flow and I run into the storms. I've never been one to easily accept defeat even when I'm debating with my teachers. Now you may call me rash, idiotic and some might even say an asshole considering I say what's on my mind which doesn't always work out. But im just being me in this sea of people, standing out just because that's my personality. But now I'm put with the ones who are considered the smartest of the batch so I'll just have to laugh harder and smile brighter if I want to get through this year.

Especially with my weird quirks that just annoys others to no extent. I love me and I don't care about what others think, I find it funny but of course people still get concerned about how I take it.

Jeez can't a guy just be happy with himself and not care anymore? I don't know but again, don't care either.

So really this is just a story from a perspective of a guy who may or may not be a psychopath. I hope ye at least get a giggle, chuckle or maybe a full on laughing fit, just no negative emotions and if there are any just know that this is my story and you clicked on it.

This is the main character telling all you judgy and emotional fucks to suck it up and understand that opinions are personal so if you disagree fucking piss off.

My story is just that, about me being me which all the stupidity and sarcasm along with it.

If you think my thoughts are wrong, fuck off.

If you think my actions are unjust, fuck off.

If you think anything in this book will be swayed by your opinions or criticism, other than my grammar, fuck off.

And lastly, If you say that I have no right to say something or to make people feel a certain way, I would kindly ask you to fuck off.

I'll be blunt, this shit is not gonna be a story supporting good or bad, a story of happy and sappy, a story about whatever. It's my story plain and simple, nothing more or less. Complicated maybe, stupid probably, rude, insulting and borderline vulgar definitely.

But hell, like I had a choice to go through what I went through. You have been warned and say what you want, I made myself clear.

you could leave now, but wouldn't you want to see a different side of the story for once?

Don't shoot the messenger, just return to sender.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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