Chapter 1

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"Ruby, have you found your shirt yet?"

"No, mom!"

"Ruben, are the twins ready?"

"Almost. Luis, give your sister back her shirt!"

"Breakfast is ready." Abuelita interrupted. "MARIPOSA, time to get up nieta."

I groaned and hid my face under my pillow. This is my family. I live with my tia and tio, our abuelita and their kids, my favourite primos Ruby, Luis and Luisa, in their house in Freeridge. I recently moved to Freeridge from Chicago one month ago. My mom forced me to move early in order to start my senior year at Freeridge High School. Our family was finally moving back to Freeridge, after three years of convincing Andre, to start afresh. Mom married a man named Andre Carter when I was 10. A year later they had Bella and Diego, the cutest twins in the world.

Living with the Martinez' is great. The twins are the biggest mess I'd ever seen, and that's saying something as I live with twins. Ruby is the cutest chico with his small self and his sexual urges -- he tells me about them all the time. Abuelita and Tia Geny make the greatest food, sometimes spicy sometimes sweet. The only thing I couldn't stand was the morning noise. Ever since school drew closer, the house erupted with noise and hurried actions. They were acting like it was Cinco de Mayo.

"Mariposa you're going to miss out on breakfast!" Abuelita shouted.

"Coming." I yawned and dragged myself to the breakfast table.

"Buenos Dias, mija." Tia Reny greeted as I sat next to Ruby.

"What are we doing today, primo?" I asked Ruby.

"The gang is meeting up before school starts," Ruby answered. "What are you going to do?"

"Um, I don't know. Maybe I'll head to the shops to get some last-minute stuff for school and work."

"Work?" Tio Ruben queried.

"Yes amor, Posa found a job at Serena's Ballet Studio." Tia Geny replied with a smile.

"We have a ballet studio in Freeridge?"

"Yes abuelita, we do. I see these cute little girls go there with the cutest tutus." Ruby gushed. "Plus, they're sisters are hot."

I slapped Ruby's head at his inappropriate expression. "There are children at the table."

"So? They don't understand."

"I don't care. Go and be horny somewhere else." Ruby groaned and left the table with a red expression. "Don't be loud!"

"Shut up!" I laughed as he grabbed his bag and left the house with a bang. I laughed and heard him open the door. "And you should get some friends, Mariposa. Nobody likes a loner."

"Be nicer to your primo, Posa." Tia Geny said with a smile.

"Oh please, Geny, Ruby needs to get thicker skin." Abuelita laughed. "In this family, the only way to survive is thick skin."

"True. But, he's my little Ruby." Tia Geny pouted.

"Well, I'm off to the shower and for another drive around town," I stated, getting up and taking my plates to the sink.

"You really should get some friends, nieta." Abuelita sniggered.

"That's a lot of effort, abuelita. I'm fine with Ruby and his gang."

"They're not your age."

"Everyone my age wants to have sex and do drugs."

"What makes Ruby and his friends any different?" Tia Geny's head shot up at Abuelita's statement.

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