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"Riley" I heard a faint voice say. 

"Mmmm..." I groaned, tossing in the small seat.

"Wake up, we're here." 

I opened my eyes, quickly pushing up the shade to the window. Michael was right, we were here. Finally I was getting the chance to be in the city of my dreams. Thousands of feet below me was the streets of New York. Even from here it looked beautiful. I've dreamed of coming here ever since I was a kid, but never did I think I'd get here because Michael's band had taken off and became a success even in the States. 

"Wow" I let out.

"You're gonna love it here" Michael assures me, and I know he means it. He of all people knew just how much coming to New York meant to me. 

"I can't wait to see it!" I squealed, jumping in my seat. Michael let out a laugh before turning away from me, leaving me with only the view from my window. I didn't mind it though.


"This is our room!?" I gasped, my jaw dropping as soon as Liz opened the door. 

We stayed in a lot of nice hotels, but this was by far the nicest one I'd seen. There was even french doors that lead to our own balcony, how cool is that? Two rooms were on either side of the suite, both with large queen sized beds. The sheets were white with gold linings, I was almost too scared to sleep in them. Maybe I'll sleep on the floor. Just kidding.

"Isn't it nice? I figured we might as well live it up while we're here" she giggled, setting her stuff by the couch in the middle room. "Which room would you like?" 

"Oh, either is fine. You really didn't have to get me my own bed."

"You've had to share a bed with me the last two weeks, I think you deserve a weekend to yourself" she smiles

"I could say the same for you, I am a cover hog."

"I learned that one quickly" she laughed. "I'm gonna go ahead and take the left room, if you wanna do anything let me know. We have today off and it's barely noon, so you should explore the city while you can."

She was right, and I wanted to. But most of all, I wanted to explore it with Ashton. We were still keeping things as a secret though, Calum being the only one to know. The last two weeks had been a challenge, it wasn't easy being secretive when all your band mates have no sense of privacy or personal space. Once again Michael had almost caught us in the heat of the moment, only this time it was a deep make-out session in the hotel Jacuzzi. I had to hide under water for 5min, well more like 2min but lets me real, that's 5min when you're having to hold your breath. 

"What did the boys have planned?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, give them and call and tell them I said to take you around."

I opened my back pack and dug for my phone before heading out the french doors to the balcony, the view nearly taking my breathe away. How was I supposed to leave this place on Sunday? I dialed Ashton's number, the phone ringing twice before he picked it up.

"Hey, Ri."

"Hello, Irwin." 

"What's up?" he asks.

"Just wanted to see if you guys had plans today. Liz said you guys should take me around."

"I can to!" I heard someone shout.

"Who was that?" I laugh.

"Luke" he huffs, "he seems to think he can find the How I Met Your Mother house while we're here."

Secrets // a.i.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt