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I laid on the couch in the back of the dressing room, we were at yet another venue and the boys had run off to do interviews and greet some fans before the show. They had been gone for a little over two hours now and they'd be coming back sometime soon, or at least I hoped they would. I was beyond bored since I was alone, my phone only kept me occupied for so long. Yeah I could have gone with them, but I always ended up standing in the back not speaking as they went about their day. So really me going or not made no difference whatsoever. 

After waiting for what seems like the forever the boys finally come back into the room, throwing themselves on the couch across from me. Michael walks over to where i'm laying and falls on my legs, causing me to groan.

"Jesus!" I shout, trying to pull my legs from under his butt.

"This couch is so lumpy" he complains, bouncing on my legs.

"Okay, that hurts!" I groan again, "get off me you fat ass!"

"Woah it's a talking couch!" he gasps, bringing his hand to his mouth in shock.

"Very funny" I force a smile, "now get off me!" He chuckles slightly, getting up from my legs. I pull them under me quickly before he decides to sit on them again. My eyes finding Ashtons as I roll my eyes at him, gesturing to Michael and he lets out a light giggles, making me cover my mouth. 

"Who wants to go to the game room?" Calum shouts, jumping from his seat on the couch. The venue we were at had a game room a few rooms down, the boys found it within the first five minutes of arriving earlier. Luke followed behind him as did Michael, they stopped when they got to the door.

"Ashton, you coming or what?" Michael shouted over his shoulder. He looked at me before looking back at the boys standing at the door. 

It had been a week since that night at the pool with Ashton, and were still getting the hang of sneaking around. It was no where near easy, we had already almost gotten cause twice. One of those times was the night I stayed in his bunk, both of us falling asleep and not waking up til his alarm went off. The other was one night when we cuddled in my room, thinking Liz would be gone for few hours. When the door to my room opened I threw him to the other end of the bed so she couldn't see him, leaving us waiting til she went to the bathroom to let him out. She was by far the main person we couldn't have find out in those ways, she would blow like the mother she is. 

"Nah, I think I'm gonna just chill here" he waves them off, they nod their heads running out of the room and down the hall. Once we know they're gone Ashton moves himself to the couch I'm on, his lips meeting mine quickly, way too quickly. "God I've missed you" he giggles, his large smile taking over his face.

"You could have just texted me you know" I tease, sticking my tongue out at him.

"It's not easy to text during interviews, babe" he giggled again, reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers. 

"Excuses" I huffed, making a funny face at him.

"You're so mean to me, why do I even like you?"

"Well if that's the way you see it" I sigh, letting my fingers slip from between his and getting up from the couch. Before I could even take a step his arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling me back on the couch and onto his lap. I let out a yelp, giggling as he brought his cheek next to mine.

"You're not going anywhere" he said in a funny voice, only making me giggle more. He planted a kiss on my check and then my neck before pulling me off his lap to sit next to him.

"You're such a weirdo" I joked, poking the dimple caving into his cheek as he smiled. I loved those dimples, it sounded so weird but they were so adorable on him.

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