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"Ri" I hear a voice say, waking me from my slumber. "Riley" they say again, but only louder.

"What?" I groan.

"It's time to get up" Michael says. How is it already morning? 

"No" I demand, pulling my curtain closed only to have him open it again.

"Damnit Michael, I want to sleep" I shout, hiding under my pillow.

"Ri it's one in the afternoon" he laughs. I jerk my head up, my hair a mess as it runs over my eyes.


"It's one o'clock, how late did you stay up?" 

"I don't know" I mumble. 

"Well we're going to eat, do you want to come?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute" I stretch across the small bed, groaning as I do so.

"Everyones at the front of the bus waiting, so hurry" he says before leaving me standing between the bunk beds. I wasn't quiet sure how late I stayed up with Ashton, seeing as I was too tired to even look at my phone. I grab my bag from the back of the bus and head to the bathroom, changing quickly before heading to the front of the bus. 

I spot Ashton sitting at the small table in front of the kitchen, his leg crossed over the other as he's leaned back playing on his phone. A black muscle shirt with a band logo on it adors his upper torso, his muscular arms exposed. Black skinny jeans wrap around his long legs and a pair of black boots. The boy knew how to dress, making him even harder to resist. He looks up and I turn my head, qucikly looking over at Michael.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod as we all exit the bus, a large black SUV waiting for us just outside.  We pile in, the boys letting me go first as Michael and I take the very back. Ashton, Calum and Luke sit in front of us as Liz takes the front seat.

"So where are we going to eat?" Luke leans forward asking his mum.

"There's this italian place up the street, I heard it was the best around here."

"As long as they have pizza" Michael says without looking up from his phone, causing Ashton to laugh. He sounds like a giddy school girl.

"What are you gonna do if they don't have pizza?" He asks, turning to face Michael and me. His hair was tossled over his head, his jawline protruding as he smiled. His right dimple staring me in the face, how could someone be so cute yet so beautiful?

"I'd cry" Michael pouts his lips, pretending to cry.

"Such a dramatic" Calum shakes his head, resorting in Michael taking his beanie from him.

"Aw don't still the beanie" Ashton demands. 

"Screw you" Michael says as he pulls it over his face.

"You're not spider-man ya know" Luke adds, as Michael flicks him off. I shake my head, peeling my eyes off Ashton as he turns back around. 

We pull up to the restaurant, the car coming to a stop. But before we can even get out a girl a few shops down spots us, shouting to her friends. We hurry from the car, running into the restaurant as we pull the door behind us, a large group of girls crowding around the windows just to get a look. This happened quiet often when we tried to go out, the boys were used to it but I however was not. Liz excuses herself to talk to the manager as we slid into a booth at the back of the restaurant, not even noticing that Ashton was next to me. 

"This is insane" he says.

"You guys are used to this though, aren't you?" I ask.

"You can never really get used to it, it's still a bit weird" Calum says, as the knocking on the glass gets louder. 

"They mean no harm though, they just want to see it. If there wasn't so many of them we'd be able to go out there" Michael adds, scrolling through his phone.

"It just gets a little nuts sometimes" Luke says from the other end of the table. 

It really did get out of hand, just last week some girl was tugging at Luke's shirt pulling him backwards. Another one practically fooled Ashton into kissing her, as she tried to do the same with Michael but he didn't fall for it. I knew their fans were dedicated everywhere we went, but some places were crazy than others, just like now. 

Once we were done eating we were escorted out the back door. Michael was in front of me as he told me to stay behind him so nothing happened. Even out the back the crowd was huge, the crowd suddenly pushing as we all tried to walk to the car. I held on to Michaels shirt but it only did so much as the mob of girls drew in closer, my grip on Michael beginning to slip. I tried to get my grip back on his shirt when a girl threwherself at me, pushing me into the crowd.

"Michael!" I shouted, but it was almost useless as almost every girl was screaming his name. I could see his hair through the crowd, blonde strands sticking out all over the place. "Michael!" 

Girls pushed at me left and right, questions being thrown in my face, cameras being pointed at me. My arms were croutched in front of me, as I tried to push my way through the crowd of girls but there were too many of them. My heart began to pound againt my chest, my breathing become uneven. How was I going to get out of this? How was I going to find my way back to the boys? I tried to shout again, but my mouth was dry. I began to panick as two girls pushed into me and threw me against a post, sending a wave of pain through my back. More girls realized who I was, trying to get a photo with the Michael Cliffords best friend. 

The shouting and screams became too loud as they all yelled even louder at me, I covered my ears in hopes of blocking them out but it was no use. Suddenly a firm hand wrapped around my stomach from behind, pulling me out of the mob. I kept my hands over my eyes, my eyes now closed shut not wanting to know what was next as I was sliding through the crowd with whoever was holding me. 

"Riley" I hear a familiar voice say, trying to pry my hands from my ears. "Ri, it's okay. You're safe now" he whispers, sliding and arm across my back. I open my eyes and look up to see Ashton, his green eyes full of concern as he looks down at me.

"Ashton?" I mumble.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?" He asks softly.

"No. I was, I was so..." I trail off, shaking my head. 

"It's okay, you're safe now" he hugs me, running his hand along my back. I bury my face into his chest, hugging his waist.

"They wouldn't stop pushing" I mumble again. I know it didn't seem that bad, but I had never been in any situation like that in my life. I don't know how they did it. "How did you even get to me? I was so far back.." I look up at him.

"I was behind you when that girl threw herself at you, and I tried to grab you but they swarmed around me so fast. I eventually pushed my way through all the girls cause it was the only way I could get to you.." he trails off, sadness in his eyes. 

"Thank you" I say, hugging him again. 

"Riley!" I hear someone shout, and I look up to see Michael running to me. I pull away from Ashton, watching as his eyes grow even sadder. 

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