Chapter 14

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Hades paced around the room frustrated. Mal glanced at him "Dad." She said. Hades glared at him " Mally, I'm plotting." He said. Maleficent chuckled "Well it's not very attractive." She said. Mal lied on Carlos's chest and looked at her father "Dad." she said again. Hades looked at Mal "No one touches my girl! He will die!" Hades says. Carlos looks at his father in law "Sounds good to me, I'm in." He said. Mal sat up and looked at Carlos "You are?" She asked. He nodded "No one touches you. I made a promise to you that I would protect you whenever possible." He said. Mal smiled "That's very sweet, Puppy, thank you." She says and lies back down on his chest. Maleficent looked at her scepter "There has to be a spell that could kill an entire population." She said quietly. Hades sat down between Maleficent and Mal. Carlos glanced down and stroked Mal's hair "Are you sure you're okay? Adam hit you pretty hard." He said. Mal nodded "I'm fine." She says. Carlos kisses the top of her head "Can I kill Ben?" He asked looking at Hades. Hades shrugs "Shure." He says. Mal sits back up "As much as I want him dead, we are not going to kill anyone." She says. Carlos pouts "Why not?" He asks. 

Mal brushed some hair out of his face "Because I don't want Auradon to come after you. We are not killing anyone." She says looking at her parents as well, "Not yet." She says. Hades smiles "That's my girl." he said. Maleficent laughed "You're killing me! Your girl? I'm the one who raised her!" she said. Hades glared at her "You wouldn't let me see her, besides she's stronger with her daddy issues." He tells her, "So technically I'm the one who made her stronger." He said. Mal sighs and rests her head on Carlos's chest and closes her eyes. Carlos holds her tightly as she slowly drifts off into a peaceful sleep. That's when the door opened and Melanie ran inside. She climbed on the couch and lied down next to her mother "Mommy sleepy." She said. Carlos nods and plays with Melanie's hair "Mommy's very sleepy. Are you sleepy?" He asks. Melanie nods and closes her eyes. Carlos smiled and looked at Maleficent and Hades "Could you two maybe argue in another room?" He asks. The adults stand up from the couch and keep arguing as they leave the room. 

Meanwhile, in Auradon, Adam and Belle arrived at the castle. Belle glared at Adam "Great, now we have every villain in existence after us!" She says. Adam groaned "She asked for it! You heard her say it!" He says. Belle looked at her husband "Because that is what they do! They test limits! She was playing mind games with you!" She said raising her voice slightly, "You just started another war." She says. Adam shook his head "No! Our son started this war." He said, "Not me. It was your idea to speak to Mal and Carlos even though I told you not to." He said. Belle started to walk away "You're unbelievable." She said, "I tried to help our son!" She yelled. Adam pulled her back "And I tried to protect you! You can't solve everything with your rainbow talks and unicorn stickers!" He yelled. Belle pushed him away "You need some time to cool off." she says and leaves him outside the castle doors.

Back on the Isle, Evie was feeding Jayden and Gil sat next to her. Jay and Harry were training in front of them. Evie glared at Jay "Do you have to fight in front of Jayden?" Evie asked. Jay pushed Harry onto the floor "You could've stayed in his room and feed him there." He said. Evie glanced down at Jayden "But he wanted to see you." She said. Gil smiled and stroked Jadens cheek "He's so cute." He said. Jay smiled "Yeah, I'm sure he's going to be quiet the ladies man when he grows up." He says. Because of Jay's distraction, Harry was able to push Jay down to the floor "Ha! I win!" He said. Jay pushed him off "Again." He said. Evie stood up and handed Jayden to Jay "No, you are going to spend some time with your son." She said. Jay opened his mouth but Evie closed it "No but's. You are going to take care of him while Mal, Uma, and I do our rounds on the island." She said. Jay sighs "Alright, be careful." He says. Evie nods "Yeah I will. Good luck." She says and kisses his cheek before walking out of the room.

Mal stood in her bedroom putting on one of her warmer outfits. Carlos lied on their bed looking at Mal as she changed her clothes "I'm not so sure about this, maybe you should skip tonight." He says. Mal looked at him "Why would I?" She asks. Carlos sits up straight "Not just you, all of you." he said, "After what happened today I don't have a good feeling about you doing the rounds tonight." He says. Mal leaned down "I can take care of myself." She said and pecked his lips briefly before walking away. Before she could leave, Carlos pulled her back and she landed on his lap. She giggled "Carlos..." She starts. Carlos covered her mouth "No, I'm being serious. You're not going." He says. Mal glared at Carlos and removed his hand "I am. I'll be back in an hour." She says. Carlos holds her tightly "You are staying here." He tells her. Mal chuckled quietly "You can't keep me here." She said. Carlos looked at her "I will." He says. Mal chuckled again "What are you going to do? Tie me up to the bed? Lock me up in the closet?" She asks and gets off his lap, "Don't worry." she says. Carlos quickly gets up and pulls her back. He locks the door and pushed Mal down onto the bed "You...are staying...right here." He says.

Carlos holds Mal's hands above her head "Carlos, let me go." She said. Carlos shook his head "No! Ben could have sent his guards here and force them to blend in and then grab you when you're alone." He says. Mal smiles "I won't be alone, and I will notice it when one of his guards pass us." she says. Carlos releases her "Sorry." He said, "I'm just...I'm scared. What if something happens to you? I couldn't protect you today..." He says. Mal smiles and kisses him briefly "You are protecting me enough. Trust me, nothing's going to happen." She tells him. He nods slowly "Alright." He says sadly. Mal gets up "You can pin me to the bed when I get back." She says. Carlos chuckled "Sounds good to me." 

💜The King and Queen💜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora