Chapter 9: "I hated that bitch with a firey passion"

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"We are proud to announce the cheerleaders of 2015!" The cheer coach started going through names. "Jennifer, Michelle, Lisa, Janise, Demi, Shelby, Misty, Bree, Victoria, Katie, and Ayla!"
"Exscuse me? I think you forgot my name!" Carly, the slut that was sucking my mates face.
"No, Carly. You won't be cheering this year. we need someone who can fly and base, Ayla fit the bill. Frankly, you're a little too heavy to fly."
"YOU BETCH! YOU"LL REGRET THIS" Carly yelled this into Mrs. Ross' Face and stormed out.
"I seriously doubt that." The coach yelled back. "Skank" Damn, I already liked her.

"Woah, you cheer?" Jeremy said this dumbfounded like it was a completley taboo thought.
I punched his arm, "Yes and I'm pretty damn good too!."
"I believe it when I see it." I turned to the unknown voice to see the forresty eyes that I knew so well. His hair was wet. He had just come back from football practice.
"I'll show all of you!"
Shelby and Demi were quick to defend me, "Hey she was a damn good base! All we need to do is teach her the cheers and she's captain, for sure!" I smiled at the thought. Wouldn't that piss Carly off! Bahahah!!! "Hey when we get back to the pack we are gonna start right away."
"Can't wait!" I threw a smirk in the disbeliever's way and followed the girls to the little yellow bug.

At the pack grounds we immediately started stunting. I honestly, had no intrest in the cheers. I just loved stunting.
"5, 6, 7, 8! 1, 2, Down up!" Demi counted off as we fully extended our prep. It had taken us a few trys to get in-sync with eachother but once we did, BAM!
Right now, Demi and I were basing. It was really awkward because of Shelby's height but she was rigid as a board which made her a great flyer.
"Hey Shelb, Sponge or Cradle?" I asked.
"Sponge for right now." She answered. we obeyed and Demi counted off,
"Sponge, 1, 2, Down up!" She came down neatly while bracing herself on our shoulders.
Clap* Clap* Clap*
Ian, Anthony, and Hunter were watching us practice our sunts. I don't know what it was about stunts but they were all mesmerized by it. I guesss it was a boy thing. Or maybe it was the fact that they were watching their mates.
Demi and Shelby walked directly to their mates and sat down next to them. It was good to take a break between every stunt so we don't get too stretched out.
I made my way towards Hunter and awkwardly sat beside him in the grass.
"So, believe me now?" He let out a chuckle but a smile didn't escape his lips.
"I never doubted you." I blushed at his words. I didn't get to say anything in response because as soon as I opened my mouth, I was pulled up by my two friends.
It was weird to call them, friends because I never stayed anywhere long enough to get to know people, let alone make friends!
"Okay, ready to fly, Ayla?"
"I thought you'd never ask." I said this with a genuine smile. I hadn't flown in forever! But, as Demi counted down, I knew exactly where to distribute weight and exactly where I would be going. They went ahead and extended the prep like we had Shelby's.
I tried not to look down. So, I looked into the distance. The sun was starting to set and birds were getting in ther last coos.
"Sponge or Cradle?" Demi asked me.
I was feeling brave, "Cradle."
Demi counted off and I bent my knees ever so slightly until I was pushed into the air. I felt my loose muscle shirt come up and the wind against my legs. Tits knees toes. Keep them alighned at all times. I was expected hands to come out and catch me, but instead I felt a large body hit my side. I opened my eyes that I didn't know were closed. All I saw was a slow motion fall to the ground about ten feet away from my stunt group. It was green and looked soft, but the landing was anything but soft. I rolled a good ten times before coming to a stop at a large oak. If it wasn't for the tree, I could have kept rolling a couple times.
I quickly stood up in a defensive position despite my aching body and looked around for my attacker. It was a wolf. A fat one at that. It was a dirty brown color that was unappealing.
"Carly, stop or so help me god I will rip your throat out!" Hunter said this as he ran towards Carly and I.
"No, Hunter. Stop." It was me who spoke. I wanted to take care of her myself. A beating was long overdue. He respected my wishes although I knew he didn't like it.
Fucking Carly we should have guessed! My wolf decided to make appearances at the worst times possible.
Shut up. What do we do?
She said one single word. Fight.
I knew she was right if there was anyway I was going to get out alive I had to fight, but not in human form, and I knew that.
I looked at fuming Hunter, took a deep breath and ripped off the charm I had been wearing around my neck for the past three months. All at once I heard skin ripping and bones breaking. They were mine. I forgot how painful shifting was but it didn't last long enought for me to care. I was soon clothed in my wash of white hair with a little black triangle located on my right haunch. We began to circle eachother. I could already smell blood. It was dripping down one of my arms. The impact had scratched me up quite a bit. I intended to do much more than scratch Carly though. I intended to kill.
Carly was the first one to make a move. She jumped into the air. Big mistake. I prepared to strike at he neck but in mid air a black wolf knocked her off of her destination. The wolf quickly gauged a hole into Carly's neck. She would bleed where the wolf hit her, she wouldn't die though. Carly lay Limp as I was still prepared to attack. I was down into a pounce, ready to fight the black wolf if I needed to. But as soon as The wolf turned around and I saw those green eyes I relaxed and stood straight. It was then that I noticed a marking on his right hanch. It was identical to mine except instead of a full triangle there was just an outline of white. I looked back to Hunter's eyes. They were swimming with emotion. Disappointment, anger, sadness. His wolf radiated power that I could only begin to describe which made the emotions radiate with it. I slowly stalked over to him and laid down, placing my head in between his paws. One of his paws was bigger then my whole head. If he wanted to he could kill me right then and there. He looked down at me harshly,ripped his paws away, then turned swiftly into the direction of the woods. I didn't have the courage to chase after him. All at once a rush of emotion came crashing down like a wave. All of the anger, hurt, lust, confusion. It all came at once and lingered there.
Anthony came up behind me and bent next to me along with Demi. I was still in the same position. Demi stroked my ears, there was no judgement in her eyes, whatsoever. Soon after, Ian and Shelby took there place beside me also.
"Why did you do it?" Anthony asked. I simply huffed in my wolf form and closed my eyes.
"It doesn't matter why. But you need to go after him, Ayla. Don't leave it like this."
"Here take this and go shift in the woods. Go after him." Anthony took off his large tshirt and handed me it. I took it in my mouth and nuzzled both girls before taking off into the woods. They were right I couldn't leave it like this.

Hello, lovely readers! I have been lacking in quality lately. And I am really trying to update regularly but sometimes I don't really feel like there's a point. Put one special person really pushed me to update. I want to thank @Hemmolmagines! You should expect great quality from now on! Anywayyy, how do you like the mature side of Ayla? I think I'm liking it so far. Don't worry though! She's still sassy little Ayla deep down inside. Muahh!! Ian Hecox as Ian.

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