"So what happened with you and your dad then?"

"I'm not going to argue with you," he repeats.

I've been shooting this question at him for the last few weeks, but he's never given me an answer and the asking of this question always results in an argument. He usually just answers 'nothing for you to worry about', which leads me to believe that there is something for me to worry about. But today it's burgers for dinner, so I sort of forget about Draco Malfoy. That man makes me lose my appetite.

We sit down beside Al, who pretends he hasn't been pining over Jenny and Robert who are cuddling at the Ravenclaw table. He turns to Scorpius.

"Training starts tomorrow," he says, "Nine o'clock."

"Sounds like a great way to spend my Saturday," Scorpius mumbles.

"We have to train if we want to beat Gryffindor," says Al simply. I can't help but notice he doesn't seem half as determined to win the final as he was to beat Ravenclaw. However, the final is two weeks from now and Gryffindor have already started training. I know James had Hugo out training before class this morning.

"Slytherin are rubbish anyway," I provoke.

"We're not going to argue with you," says Al.

"I have the worst family ever," I mumble.

After dinner, Al, Scorpius and I decide to head back to the Gryffindor common room. We end up taking a different route than usual because the staircase changes on the way, and the corridor we walk down is completely deserted. Well, that is except for one person. It so happens that Robert Hitch is taking the exact same corridor to the Ravenclaw tower.

"Oh look, it's the loser," Al sniggers. You'd think he'd take the high road, but no.

"I'm not the loser, mate," Robert retaliates. And he says it in a really bitchy way. Why can't people start on me?

"Say that again, Hitch," Al snarls and walks right up to Robert. There's about an inch in difference in their height. Robert shoves Al.

"Back off, Potter," he snaps, "Don't make me kick your arse again."

"Don't shove me, loser!" Al shoves him back, "And I believe it was me kicking your arse!"

"Better comebacks, mate," Scorpius whispers to him.

"Stay away from my girlfriend," Robert frowns and shoves Al again, "She doesn't want you."

"She's only with you to get back at me," Al shoves him harder.

"Keep telling yourself that," Robert scoffs.

"You're not good enough for her," Al practically shouts, "You act all nice and noble, but you're just as big a bollocks as the rest of us! At least I'm honest about it!"

"Just give it up, Potter! She is never going to want you! You're a pathetic little scrounger! The only reason she went out with you in the first place is because of who your father is. Although I have to say her taste has greatly improved since then – I can't imagine why anyone would want to associate with Harry Potter. Everyone knows he's just a big –"

We never get to find out just exactly what Uncle Harry is, because Al punches Robert in the nose and knocks him to the ground. It's a good thing Al did it – I was just about to do the same thing.

"At least my dad's worked an honest day's work in his life! What does your dad do again? Oh yeah, that's it, he lives off the Ministry–"

Robert jumps to his feet and runs at Al, knocks him to the ground and punches him repeatedly.

Delicate - eng versionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें