“Aerial, Alex, this is my fiancé, Caroline.” My father threw an arm around the petite woman, as she grinned at the two of us.

                “It’s so good to finally meet you guys!” she gushed. “You have no idea how much your father blabs on and on about you guys!”

                I wasn’t really listening to what Caroline was saying, though. I was too busy staring at her baby bump. It wasn’t until Alex nudged my elbow that I finally snapped out of my gaze with Caroline’s stomach. Alex cleared his throat, saving me. “Aerial and I made dinner, if you would just like to sit down at the table.”

                Caroline beamed, as she smiled. “I’m starving! Being pregnant for six months does give you quite an appetite!”

                I gulped, as I stared at Alex. Well, that confirms my suspicions. Caroline was pregnant, and whoever was in that stomach of hers was going to be my baby sibling.

                “Aerial, are you okay?” Alex asked, once the adults were out of earshot and at the dinner table. “You look kind of pale.”

                I sucked in a deep breath of air, before flashing Alex a smile. “I’m fine.” I paused, staring at my father and Caroline, who were laughing. “Let’s go serve dinner.”

                Alex gave me a curious look, before he followed my lead towards the kitchen. We got out the meats and potatoes, and carried it out to our dinner table.

                “This smells great.” My father complimented us, as he took a bite out of steak.

                Caroline rolled her eyes, taking a big bite from her food. “It doesn’t just smell great, it tastes great!”

                My father laughed, as my eyes wandered over his face for a moment longer. I haven’t seen him so happy in ages. A bitter chill sent down my spine as I realized that I was never the one to make him happy.

                “That’s a great compliment, guys.” My father turned back his attention to Alex and I. “Caroline is always having these crazy cravings and she never likes to eat anything I make.”

                Alex and I laughed, as I finally took my first bite out of the steak that Alex made. To my surprise, I actually thought it tasted fantastic. I stared at Alex curiously, since I knew that he was never the best cook out there. He couldn’t even make cereal without messing it up.

                “Alex, you made this?” I whispered.

                Alex let out a low chuckle, glancing at me. “I might’ve gotten some help.”

                I frowned. “From who?”

                Alex grinned. “Hayden might’ve come over earlier today while you were sleeping.”


                “Man, I’m tired.” Alex groaned, as his back hit our bed later that night.

                After my father and Caroline left, Alex and I spent the rest of the night cleaning the kitchen and washing all of the dishes. I was surprised that the night went so well for all of us. When Alex brought out the wine after dinner, my father didn’t even want to take a sip. When I asked later on, right before he left how his alcohol addiction was going, he told me that shortly after I left home, he went and got help. He then cupped my hands, and told me that he wants to see me again.

                I changed out of my dress, and threw on one of Alex’s t-shirts. Alex’s eyes hungrily lay on my body once I slipped my dress off, and he groaned with frustration once I pulled his t-shirt over my head. “I love the way you look in my shirts.” Alex paused. “But, I’d prefer if you had nothing on, at all.”

                My cheeks turned bright red, as I turned the lights off. Taking a pillow, I threw it towards Alex, as I heard it land on his chest with a thud. “You’re such a pervert, Alex.” I laughed, as I cuddled into Alex’s bare chest under the sheets. “I see you’ve been picking up habits from Hayden?”

                Alex’s cold hands went in my shirt, as his hands wrapped around my bare stomach. I held in my breath, as shivers sent down my spine from the cold temperature of his hands.

                “I can’t help it if you’re just that beautiful.” He whispered, lips brushing against my ear teasingly.

                I let out a low laugh, turning around so that I could see his eyes. “Alex, stop it.”

                “You’re going to have to get used to it if we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives.” Alex mumbled.

                I stared up at him, noticing that his eyes were closed. Did he mean that, or was he just mumbling in his sleep?

                “You have no idea what you’re saying, Alex.” I sighed.

                “I know exactly what I’m saying.” Alex interjected. “I want to be with you forever, Aerial.”

                A soft smile appeared on my face, as I pressed my lips against his for a faint second, before pulling away. “Go to sleep, Alex.”

                “Aerial, we’re going to get married one day. Maybe not now, maybe not until a few years. But promise me that you’ll marry me one day?” Alex slurred, his breathing starting to get heavier and heavier.

                I stared at his face for a moment longer, before I let out a soft laugh. “I promise I’ll marry you one day.”

                I suddenly felt a pull, as my chest came crashing into Alex’s. I stared up, as Alex gave me a small smile. “I love you.”

                “I love you too, Alex.”

This is the last official chapter of Don’t Give Up! If you liked this, please vote the chapters for Watty Awards! A new story will be up in a few days, so don’t forget to check back for it! Thank you so much for everyone who has been supporting and reading this story since I started!

Hugs and Kisses,


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