mill & rie ✦ mixed signals

Start from the beginning

"He's annoying, isn't he?" I ask Y/N as I point at Yongsoo, who is behind me.

She slightly nods in agreement. I just chuckled at her.

After a while, which I think would already be an hour, we left the place along with Yongsoo.

"Where do you live now?" I ask Yongsoo as soon as we left.

"It's farther now, but I still pass by your neighborhood actually." He explains.

"Oh really? Let's go together then," The three of us went on our way.

"Hey she's pretty, why don't you ask her out?" Yongsoo whispers, instantly making me hit him unexpectedly hard.

"Ow, what was that for?" He asks while I looked at Y/N.

"Did you hear it?" I alarmingly asked Y/N.

"Huh? Heard what?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied and hit Yongsoo again.

We arrived at our subdivision and said goodbye to each other.

I sat on the couch and remembered what Yongsoo said a while ago.

"Hey she's pretty, why don't you ask her out?"

I covered my face with a pillow and screamed in it, so it muffled my voice.

One side of my mind was saying I should do it and the other saying otherwise.

Y/N and I have been friends ever since our childhood days. And so far, I have known her pretty well.

But there's still a part of me saying it isn't the right time.

It's seriously giving me a headache, and I don't like it.

a few days later...

I've given it some thought and made my decision.

I thought it through the week and finally prepared it while it's a weekend.

I hugged the dog plushie and looked at it for a while. I took the bouquet of roses with it and stood up.

I went out of my house and walked slowly to her house.

I just stood in front of her house, hesitant to ring the doorbell.

Before I could press it, I notice the door slightly open.

Panic got to me so I ended up frozen on the spot.

"Oh, Rie! Why are you here? You could've called me before visiting." She says.

"Oh, sorry about that-" "What's that behind you?" She suddenly asks, noticing my arms behind me.

She tries peeking at it but I try avoiding it. I had no choice but to get it over it.

I've always waited for the right time but every time I think it is, I would always hesitate and step back.

And I won't let that happen again.

"I- I like you," I took out the bouquet along with the plush dog.

She just stood there, expressionless. That made my heart drop for a while.

All of a sudden, she flashes a wide smile and hugs me. She took that opportunity and whispered in my ear.

"I like you too,"

She pulls away from the hug and takes the bouquet and plush dog from my arms.

"I don't see this as 'just friends'," We turn our attention to Yongsoo who was not so far from us.

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