Tossed Away

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Council Representative Stephan Andrius:

Third Person POV:

"We can't send any more enforcers into the field, not even to look for Derreck. I'm sorry, this would be highly unadvisable, with so few enforcers left and so many council members dead, we need all of them on security detail to protect the rest of us."

Council member Terone looks at Stephan Andrius. "I have to say yes on that, but, he is our best enforcer. We can't just not look for him. He was captured in the line of duty protecting one of our own. We can't just do nothing. As much as I agree that expending rescourses to look for him is a bad idea, I just don't feel right not doing anything at all."

Blake, the Chief Director of the enforcers in the field steps forward. "Sir...there is one that could do it. Derreck would have my head if we do go through with this, but in retrospect, what gets the job done, gets the job done. Plus, if we don't guide it, they may try to do this alone."

Terone looks at Blake, "And whom may you be speaking of?"

"Derreck Berringer has a little sister. She's also a cat shifter. He's trained her since she first shifted early, at age fourteen. She's almost his equal in fighting ability. I'm sure if we sent another enforcer or two with her, then they would be sufficient enough to bring back Derreck. We need Derreck. We can't just leave him. We all know what kind of an asset he would be to them if they could turn him to their side."

Terone nodded but Stephan shook his head vehemently. "I won't approve of this!" he shrieked.

Terone spoke again, "You don't have to. We will cast a vote. Do we send this...what's her name?"

Blake answered, "Sarah, her name is Sarah."

"Do we send this Sarah, Dereck's sister, after him, in hopes of returning him to us?"

The remaining few council members answered with ayes, but two, other than Stephan replied with, "I agree with this idea, and Stephan's idea. I propose that we do not send any enforcers with her. I don't think we could spare them. To be honest, we do need every hand we have left to defend against these rogues. It'd be different if it wasn't Derreck we were looking for, if we had him here, but we are looking for him, and he is not here. So I say we let the girl do it on her own."

Blake roared, "We can not just send a child in by herself. If you choose to do this, I will resign from my position and go with her myself. I will not let this happen. I can't let this happen."

The rest of the council started to agree with the other two. "I'm sorry Blake, but we just can't spare anyone."

He looked each of the members in the eye. When all turned and looked away he sighed. "Fine. I quit. I will go inform Sarah on what we will do together."

"No." Stephan spoke this time. "Members, think about this. This is Derreck's little sister, and he trained her personally. If she is half as good as he was, she would be better served here, protecting us. Make her an enforcer and have her stationed with us." Stephan looked at Blake with a malicious intent visible in his eyes. It had been no secret Stephan and Derreck never got along. Stephan had tried to order Derreck around once, and Derreck had thrown him into a fountain.

"You can't. I have a binding contract with Derreck. Until he is confirmed dead before she reaches the age of twenty one, we can not make her an enforcer."

"Ah but, that contract was with you, and you just resigned. Therefore, you have no more say."

"I'm afraid he's right Blake. I do not approve of this though. She is still a child. We will ask her, but since she is not of age yet, she can refuse."

Blake sighed and Stephan deflated a bit.

"You have tossed away our most valuable enforcer, for what? Pride Stephan? Is that what this is about? All because you tried to give him an order, when he didn't, doesn't, and never will answer to you? You are a jealous man, not fit to even breathe the same air as Derreck. You are lucky he never found out that he has a rightful place on this council. But you can bet your sweet ass Sarah will be told, and when she finds out that you refused help to her brother...I'd hate to be you then," Blake spoke calmly.

"What do you mean he has a rightful place on this council? He's nothing but an enforcer, just like his mother. Nothing more."

"Oh, she had a place as well, but she's the one who turned it down. Unfortunately, you weren't around then, and you wouldn't know of this. Her father was on this council, and one of her children had that right, since she turned it down. I said, I'd hate to be you." With that, Blake turned and walked from the room.

He had to find Sarah and tell her the bad news. 'Derreck,' he thought, 'where ever you are, I hope you can escape, because by the looks of it, you don't have anyone to rescue you.'


Okay, I'm actually officially dedicating this part to royal888, my first follower. I had mentioned her in an earlier part, but I didn't find the dedication tool until now...pretty lame of me, but I was using my phone for a lot of updates as well. So...thanks royal888.

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