Training Time

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It's been a week since I met with the new members of Bailey's pack. I had stopped calling them refugees because most of them didn't like to talk about what happened back at their old pack. Sarah got along well with a lot of the girls her age, as well as a cat and wolf can. There hadn't been any fights and so far, Tom, the "Alpha" had stayed out of my way. I had to give him that, he might not be smart, but he can learn.

Bailey had taken to avoiding me as well, which I really didn't mind. I wanted as little to do with her as possible. The second night in Faris, though, she had called a huge pack dinner and invited us, making us the guests' of honor. As much as I didn't want to go, Abby said it would be rude if we didn't. Bailey purposefully, I think, seperated Abby and I that night, trying to get close to me. After I spurned her advances, she gave up and started the whole avoiding me thing.

I now sat and watched Sarah training some of the new wolves in combat. It wasn't required, but when she went to a sparring match the other day and showed them all up, they begged for her to teach them. Devin, bless his heart, kept them from getting, too personal. I chuckled as I watched. I was sitting on the balcony of the second story. Sarah made a mistake, but the unexperienced wolf didn't catch it.

"Halt!" I shouted. I lept over the railing and fell the ten or fifteen feet to the ground, not even bothered by it. I could jump out of a five story window and barely flinch. It would hurt, but I was trained to not give into pain. I think my limit is seven stories, because one time I was pushed out of an eighth story sliding door and over the balcony. While I landed on my feet, I broke bones in my legs and it hurt like a bitch.

"Sarah, what did you just do wrong?" I ask. All the wolves looked between her and I questioninly.

"Who do you think you are telling her she's wrong?" some guy asked. He obviously didn't make the connection on who I was, either that, or he really didn't know who I was.

Before I could even react, Devin had him pinned to the ground and was snarling in his face. "Watch how you talk to Derreck. You're lucky I got to you first, because he could have torn your throat out for such disrespect and he wouldn't even care."

The boy's eyes widened. I watched with interest as Devin handled the situation. "Nicely handled Devin, but I wouldn't have killed him...just dangled him from my balcony by his underwear." There was an uproar of laughs coming from the rest of the wolves and the boy blushed bright red and bowed his head in respect.

"Now, does anyone else have any concerns about who I am and what I'm capable of?"

They all shook their heads, but one, in the back, had to be at least seventeen asked, "Who are you?"

My eyebrow twitched up. "I'm the council's lead enforcer. My name is Derreck Berringer, and that's my sister Sarah Berringer. So next time someone wants to interfer between her and I, think, because I'm sure her mate would not like you very much afterwards." Devin grinned devilishly at that. I just winked at him.

"I struck out without making sure to guard my side," Sarah said confidently, breaking the tention in the air.

"Good, at least you know. Okay, so you all came here to learn how to fight, is that correct?" As one they nodded. "Well, who better to train you than me? Anyone doubt my abilities?" Again as one they shook their heads no. "Good. So lets start with the basics."

"Uh, sir, we've been taught the basics by the Alpha."

I turn to face the kid who spoke. "You mean Alpha Tom who I clearly think is a push over? Yeah, no. We do this my way or you can leave. If you want to learn, you start from the beginning. Now, who here are warrior wolves and who are enforcers?"

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