Cala kept going and sent bolt after bolt of lightning towards him, Rajivari screamed and shot force lightning to meet the bright white bolt of lightning. Cala sent more bolts of lightning and used the electricity in the place around her as her own force lightning but on the light side of the force. 

"You should know, I never lose!" Rajivari screamed before using the force to throw an ignited lightsaber towards her. 

It landed in her chest and the white lightning stopped leaving the purple to hit her, she crashed into the wall and her eyes closed as she fell onto the ground like the other two fallen Masters. Rajivari pulled the green lightsaber out of her chest and placed it back on his hilt. 

Rajivari sensed 8 force presences behind him and turned around to see the eight former Padawans of the Jedi Masters. They all ignited their blades, some green and some blue but two different shades. A younger version of Kol was in the middle pushing his fear down as he held two bright blue blades in his shaking hands.

"What did you do!" one of them screamed.

"I have learned a more powerful use of the force, however, your Masters didn't like the amount of power I wield. Know that if you make the same choice, your fate will be the same as there's," Rajivari threatened glaring at them all. 

The former Padawans looked at each other looking for one of them to make the decision, soon enough one of them rushed forwards and the others followed close behind. Rajivari easily stabbed two of them and force pushed another two out of the Temple and down to the bottom of the cliff but luckily, they used the force to slow down their fall so they were unharmed. One was roughly force pushed into the wall and was knocked unconscious and Rajivari lifted one of them into the air in a force choke. Kol screamed and leapt forward catching his former Master off guard, the Padawan fell to the ground gasping for air as Saki and Kol were the only former Padawans left. Rajivari laughed and got to his feet igniting his blood-red blade.

"I trained you well, my apprentices," he commented, "Join me, I can teach you the ways of the dark side just like I taught you the ways of the light. We can rule the galaxy together and become far more powerful than any other being!" 

Kol narrowed his eyes and looked back to where the three dead Jedi Masters lay and two dead former Padawans with the other two former Padawans injured. 

"You only want to bring destruction and fear to the Galaxy, you taught us to trust in the force and listen to it. The Force is against this," Kol replied with his voice shaking.

"So much fear in you Skywalker, not a trait a proper Jedi should have," Rajivari hissed, "And you Saki, I sense the conflict within you, I know you'll make the right decision. I sense your fear and the dark side can use it and transform it into power!" 

"Don't listen to him Saki, he's just trying to manipulate you!" Kol yelled.

"Saki. If you join me you'll finally be able to rise above Kol and become far more powerful than him, you won't be second best anymore. You'd be my prized student," Rajivari convinced.

"What? We're equals Saki, we always have been, ever since we were born we have been," Kol begged.

"It's not true. I know you Saki, I've heard your thoughts, you know you've always been second best, with your parents and you know the other Masters favoured Kol over you and even I knew Kol was more powerful in training but you won't be second best, not anymore, not to me," 

"Saki, please, don't listen to him, he's lying!" Kol cried.

"No, you've been lying to me!" Saki snarled, "You were always the one that had to prove to everyone that you were better,"

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