Arc 2: Chapter Six *21*

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You know what I'm thinkin'
See it in your eyes
You hate that you want me
Hate it when you cry
It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect
And I know that you're worth it
I can't walk away, oh!

School eventually rolled around that Monday, but instead of actually being in school, they were all getting on an flight.

It took almost all the begging in the world for Elizabeth to be able to go, especially after telling not only her mom, but her dad aswell. It was a bit easier with Baltra since it wasn't in person.

Meliodas sat beside her, a hoodie and over his face as he dozed on and off.

A small blush rises upon her cheeks as she looks at him. Shs gives him a quick peck on the cheek before cuffing his face. "Is my little Meliodas tired?" She asks using a baby voice.

Surprisingly Meliodas wraps his arms around her pulling her closer, which makes her blush even more. "Hey lemme go!" She whines.

"You brought this upon yourself...teasing me like that," he mumbles.

"Yeah because you looked cute. Like a baby," she says, blushing even more as she remembers her pregnancy. She still didn't have the guts to tell him.

"You look cute all the time and I barely tease you," he pouts.

"You tease me any chance you get you liar," she says.

"Well you apparently like it," Meliodas states, squeezing her ass. A small gasp escapes her lips as her cheeks light up even more.

Just like that never happened, Meliodas pulls Elizabeth closer to him.

"G-get off me people are staring..." she whispers to him, her face as red as a tomato now. "Let them stare, right now it's just me and you," he says kissing her cheek. Elizabeth then relaxes as her and Meliodas both drift off to sleep together.

Elizabeth wakes up when they were nearly landing in Hawaii. Meliodas was sleeping soundly beside her with his arm still around her.

"Mel, we're here." She says waking him up. "I don't wanna wake up..." he mumbles which makes her smile even more.

He looks so cute. She thinks.

"Doesn't matter. The flight just landed, we have to go." She says standing up. With a huff he gets up and go to get their things.

"Nice to know the lovebirds are finally up," Diane says with a smile.

"Speaking of which...I have a question Ellie," Elaine says. "Do you mind switching if we swap rooms? So I can be with Ban and you can be with Meliodas?" She asks.

"Sure," Elizabeth answers. She needed some alone time with him so she could figure out how to tell him...but first, she needed to seek help from her girl friends.

The first thing their class did was go to eat lunch. Elizabeth took this as the time to confide in her friends. "Hey uhm...can I talk to you two? In private?" Elizabeth asks Diane and Elaine. Both girls nod simultaneously and they switch to a different table.

"What do you think their talking about?" Ban asks no one in particular.

"Dunno. Probably girl stuff," King shrugs it off as they continue to talk.

"Uhm so...I honestly don't know how to say this but..." she stops, breathing in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant," she says softly.

"Your what?" Diane yells causing a few stares. "Oops...sorry." she says.

"I'm happy for you Ellie but, how do you feel like this?" Elaine asks her.

"Well I'm happy, but at the same time I feel as if my life is ruined. I can't model anymore, probably won't end up going to college, and I won't ever find any other career after this. Not only that, Meliodas has so much for him. The band, college, inheriting his father's business...he doesn't have time for a baby. What if he doesn't want it? What if he leaves me?"

"Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure Meliodas wouldn't leave you because of this." Diane says.

"Diane's right...despite how he feels he wouldn't break up with you. You should just go on and tell him," Elaine adds.

Elizabeth sends a quick glance Meliodas' way. "I don't think it'll be that easy..." Elizabeth says with a sigh.

Deep down she couldn't get rid of the unsettling feeling of him leaving her.

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